This is the theme for Show Orchard hosted on DotNest. Lately, it has been migrated to Orchard Core (read the case study to see how it was done). It's also a Media Theme so it can be used as a sample project for creating your own Media Theme on DotNest.
The goal of Show Orchard is to collect all the representative Orchard websites in one place. This project was originally started and developed by Ryan Drew Burnett. Since 2017 it's developed by Lombiq.
It's recommended to use this theme with your fork of the DotNest Core SDK. See its readme for more information.
Bug reports, feature requests, comments, questions, code contributions and love letters are warmly welcome. You can send them to us via GitHub issues and pull requests. Please adhere to our open-source guidelines while doing so.
This project is developed by Lombiq Technologies. Commercial-grade support is available through Lombiq.