A simple interface to generate soap dishes for 3D printing Visit the original Printables page!
3d_pattern powered by streamlit
To convert a png to a svg I suggest using 'vectorize bitmap' on Inkscape. On Linux, you can install the packages imagemagick and potrace, and use the terminal commands:
convert YOUR_FILE.png YOUR_FILE.pnm
potrace -s -o YOUR_FILE.svg YOUR_FILE.pnm
rm YOUR_FILE.pnm
You can use OpenScad to generate the soap dish. The code is stored in the file 'soap_dish_openscad.scad' and it is pretty simple:
union(){ // merge the pattern and the border
intersection(){ // select the pattern area of the soap dish and make a slope
linear_extrude(height = 5) // extrude the svg
translate(v=[X_TRAN,Y_TRAN,0]) // translate the svg image
rotate(a=[0,0,Z_DEG]) // rotate the svg image
scale([X_SCALE,Y_SCALE,1]) // scale the X and Y axis of the svg
import(file = "YOUR_PATH/YOUR_FILE.svg", center = true);
Remember to change:
- X_TRAN, Y_TRAN with the displacement to move the image
- Z_DEG with the angle to rotate the image
- X_SCALE, Y_SCALE with the scale of the x-axis and y-axis
- the file paths for 'intersect_base.stl' and 'border.stl' (you can find the files in the Github repository)
- the file path for your svg file.
I enjoy working on this project in my free time, if you want to support me with a coffee just click here!
Code is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPL-3.0)
Models are licensed under the Creative Commons Non Commercial Share Alike License 4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)