micapipe v0.2.0 'Northern Flicker'
👥 Compatible with multiple acquisitions (func, dwi, MPC). multiple quantitative maps, DWI acquisitions and func acquisitions including task
🧠 We improved the registration between between modalities to optimize the performance.
🌐 Surface mapping from native space in all modules.
🔬 Optimize to process ultra high resolution 7T datasets, with new CNN based processing tools. (tested on 0.5-1mm3, e.g 7T)
💦 MP2RAGE processing workflow (3T and 7T) for structural images, including a cleaning of the salt and pepper background noise.
✨ Connectomes are NOW stored as GIFTI instead of txt. these files use less storage and are faster to load.
⚡️ NEW FLAIR processing module
🔍 New QC subject and group level more informative with a lot of new features and pdf (new json files for QC)
👾 New algorithms (brain mask, surface reconstructions - fastsurfer, registration)