This is Hans. Hans gets ze Flammenwerfer and does other entertaining stuff in Discord.
Hans knows a fair bit of things. Here's a list:
- If mentioned, Hans greets
- If a message begins with
(case is ignored), Hans gets you the Flammenwerfer !help
- Print help!treppe <user> <seconds>
- move given user to the silent channel for X seconds (Nickname or Mention, both works)!meeting
- Move yourself in the meeting channel!cleanup
- Remove summons and messages from Hans
Install deps via pipenv install
Afterwards, run Hans by calling python
There's a Dockerfile. Just call docker-compose build
and you're good to go!
Check for the environment vars! I would recommend to overwrite them in a docker-compose.override.yml
or through the corresponding environment variables:
- HANS_GIPHY_API_KEY: API key for giphy
- HANS_DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN: Discord token (check, select App -> Bot and copy token)
- HANS_TARGET_VOICE_ROOM: Target room to move people to when !treppe is called
- Moving users by tagging them (@...) does not work currently
- Make Giphy API key customizable
- Make target room customizable
- Make Guild customizable (There's only one?)
- Make Discord key customizable
- Add Docker image