Here we provide the code for our paper: Distilling Model Failures as Directions in Latent Space
Install using pip, or clone our repository.
pip install failure-directions
Example: For a walkthrough of using our method Example notebook! This notebook walks through using our method on CIFAR-10.
The main methods for our analysis are contained in Specifically:
SVMFitter: utility wrapper to fit the SVM
CLIPProcessor: utility wrapper for CLIP operations
Basic Usage In order to fit the SVM and extract the corresponding direction, run (assuming hparams
contains the mean and std) for the dataset:
import failure_directions
# let hparams contain mean and std for dataset
# let loaders contain a dict of train, test, val loaders.
# let split_gts contain the ground truth labels for each split
# let split_preds contain the predictions for each split
# Load CLIP features
clip_processor = failure_directions.CLIPProcessor(ds_mean=hparams['mean'], ds_std=hparams['std'])
clip_features = {}
for split, loader in loaders.items():
clip_features[split] = clip_processor.evaluate_clip_images(loader)
# Fit SVM
svm_fitter = failure_directions.SVMFitter()
cv_scores =['val'], ys=split_gts['val'], latents=clip_features['val'])
# Get SVM decision values
svm_predictions = {}
svm_decision_values = {}
for split, loader in loaders.items():
mask, dv = svm_fitter.predict(ys=split_gts[split], latents=clip_features[split], compute_metrics=False)
svm_predictions[split] = mask
svm_decision_values[split] = dv
We use FFCV ( to train our models. Dataset betons can be created using the notebooks in setup_nbs
There are two main scripts: training a base model and performing interventions use our framework given a base file
is used to train the base model and the model after interventions. For example, for CIFAR10:
python -c ../dataset_configs/cifar.yaml --indices-file ../index_files/ --exp-name cifar_model
Specifically, has the following arguments.
-c A config from (c.f dataset_configs) which contains dataset and training argument information.
See src/ for all config options
--indices-file A pt file (c.f index_files) containing a array of which indices to include for each split.
The index file should have the keys val_indices, train_indices, and (optionally) unlabelled_indices.
See setup_nbs/make_index_files.ipynb for examples on how these index files were created.
Edit for subsampling intervention
--exp-name Experiment name
--loss-vec-file Optionally, a pytorch file with loss weights for each example. Used for upweighting intervention
--root The directory where the FFCV betons are stored (see setup_nb and scripts for beton generation)
To then run our framework on top of this model, use
. For example:
python -c ../dataset_configs/cifar.yaml -s ../svm_configs/normalized_svm_base_config.yaml --indices-file index_files/ --model-path <model path here> --out-file cifar_svm --unlabeled
has the following arguments.
-c The dataset config (see above)
-s The svm config. we use svm_configs/normalized_svm_base_config.yaml for all experiments in the paper.
--indices-file The index file (use the same index file from running
--model-path The path to the model checkpoint
--out-file. Where to dump SVM results
--unlabeled Run SVM on unlabeled data
--root Path to betons
--spurious Run additional statistics for a spurious dataset.
--bce Only used for ChestXray. Logit is binary cross entropy, and threshold detection will be performed.
--bce-class Only used for ChestXray. Which binary logit (i.e disease) to perform our framework on.
Other important utilities include utiities for visualizing the most extreme images surfaced by our framework clip utilities for automatic captioning
To cite this paper, please use the following BibTeX entry:
title = {Distilling Model Failures as Directions in Latent Space},
author = {Saachi Jain and Hannah Lawrence and Ankur Moitra and Aleksander Madry},
booktitle = {ArXiv preprint arXiv:2206.14754},
year = {2022}