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A great way to use sass functions and maps to theme your application

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Sass map variables

Using Sass functions to access variable maps

The basic idea is that you can store groups of Sass variables in a JSON-ish map:


$colors: (
  primary: #FFBB00,
  secondary: #0969A2

These can then be accessed using the map-get function:


// using `map-get` in Sass
h1 { color: map-get($colors, primary); }

CSS output:

h1 { color: #FFBB00; }


Now maps, can be nested for added specificity and better organization:

// color variable map
$colors: (
  // nested map inception
  primary: (
    base: #FFBB00,
    light: lighten(#FFBB00, 15%),
    dark: darken(#FFBB00, 15%),
    trans: transparentize(#FFBB00, 0.5)
  // and another...
  secondary: (
    base: #0969A2,
    light: lighten(#0969A2, 15%),
    dark: darken(#0969A2, 15%),
    trans: transparentize(#0969A2, 0.5)

To access a nested map, you simply nest the map-get:

h1 {
  color: map-get(map-get($colors, primary), base);

The inner map-get grabs our primary map, then the last value base grabs that primary map’s base value.


Functionally, nested maps are awesome. Unfortunately the syntax is a bit...meh. We can fix that nonsense with a @function:

// retrieve color from $colors map ie. `color(primary, base)`
@function color($color-name, $color-variant) {
  // map inception
  @return map-get(map-get($colors, $color-name), $color-variant);

// now we use the function
h1 {
  color: color(primary, base);

We can even take it a step further. Let’s say we want to have nested maps and non-nested values in our map:

// color variable map
$colors: (
  // non-nested values
  text: #FFF,
  background: #333,
  // nested map inception
  primary: (
    base: #FFBB00,
    light: lighten(#FFBB00, 15%),
    dark: darken(#FFBB00, 15%),
    trans: transparentize(#FFBB00, 0.5)
  secondary: (
    base: #0969A2,
    light: lighten(#0969A2, 15%),
    dark: darken(#0969A2, 15%),
    trans: transparentize(#0969A2, 0.5)

We can then update our function to optionally receive the nested variant name:

// retrieve color from $colors map ie. `color(base, primary)`
@function color($color-name, $color-variant:null) {
  // color variant is optional
  @if ($color-variant != null) {
    // map inception
    @return map-get(map-get($colors, $color-name), $color-variant);
  } @else {
    @return map-get($colors, $color-name);

And use it like this:

// using the function to get an non-map color
body {
  background-color: color(background);
// using the function to get a nested map color
h1 {
  color: color(primary, base);


Some of you may have noticed and not enjoyed the redundency in our variable maps:

// color variable map
$colors: (
  primary: (
    base: #FFBB00,
    light: lighten(#FFBB00, 15%),
    dark: darken(#FFBB00, 15%),
    trans: transparentize(#FFBB00, 0.5)
  // ...

Notice how the base color #FFBB00 is repeated in hex form across all the values in the darken, lighten, and transparentize functions. Unfortunately, we cannot refer to a sibling value in the other values (ie @this.base), so the hex must be repeated. The workaround? Simply extract the hex into a variable outside of the map.

// base color defs
$color-primary: #FFBB00;
// color variable map
$colors: (
  primary: (
    base: $color-primary,
    light: lighten($color-primary, 15%),
    dark: darken($color-primary, 15%),
    trans: transparentize($color-primary, 0.5)
  // ...

We can afford to be more verbose with our variable definition $color-primary because we don’t have to write it everywhere, just in our map definitions. Then, if we want to change our color scheme around, we can swap a single value instead of four values. Doing it this way is more a matter of preference, but I enjoy making the map completely color-agnostic by manipulating a color variable instead of hardcoding it.

If you want to be an ultra-streamline magic person, you can store your darken, lighten, and transparentize amounts and use them across the board for each of your colors:

// base color defs
$color-primary: #FFBB00;
$color-secondary: #0969A2;
$color-shade-amount: 15%;
$color-trans-amount: 0.5;
// color variable map
$colors: (
  primary: (
    base: $color-primary,
    light: lighten($color-primary, $color-shade-amount),
    dark: darken($color-primary, $color-shade-amount),
    trans: transparentize($color-primary, $color-trans-amount)
  secondary: (
    base: $color-secondary,
    light: lighten($color-secondary, $color-shade-amount),
    dark: darken($color-secondary, $color-shade-amount),
    trans: transparentize($color-secondary, $color-trans-amount)

Creating iterables

We even can take this a step further and create a map of the color declarations and do an @each to iterate on each color of the map and create the color variants there.

/* Variables */
$color-map: (
  primary: #6d61cb,
  secondary: #1c105f,
  warning: #fc6485,
  accent: #39e2d7,
  neutral: #1a1a1a,
  gray: #a4a4a4,

$color-shade-amount: 12%;
$color-trans-amount: 0.5;

$colors: ();

@each $code, $color in $color-map {
  $color-variants: (
    $code: (
      base: $color,
      light: lighten($color, $color-shade-amount),
      dark: darken($color, $color-shade-amount),
      trans: transparentize($color, $color-trans-amount)
  $colors: map-merge($colors, $color-variants);

If you want to add colors without the variants add them later of the @each

/* This colors will NOT have a base, light, dark, and trans variants */
$obligatory-colors: (
  light: #ffffff,
  dark: #000000,

$colors: map-merge($colors, $obligatory-colors);

Generate common used classes

Since we have all colors with the variants now we can create commonly used classes for each of them, for example color-primary-base or background-secondary-light, etc.

Same as before, we can iterate on the map we have:

/* Generate all the color classes (see css file output) */
@each $code, $color in $colors {
  @if type-of($color) == 'map' {
    @each $colorVariant, $colorCode in $color {
      @if ($colorVariant == 'base') {
        .color-#{$code} { color: map-get($color, $colorVariant); }
        .bg-#{$code} { background-color: map-get($color, $colorVariant); }
      } @else {
        .color-#{$code}-#{$colorVariant} { color: map-get($color, $colorVariant); }
        .bg-#{$code}-#{$colorVariant} { background-color: map-get($color, $colorVariant); }
  } @else {
    .color-#{$code} { color: $color; }
    .bg-#{$code} { background-color: $color; }

And this will generate:

.color-primary {
  color: #6d61cb;

.bg-primary {
  background-color: #6d61cb;

.color-primary-light {
  color: #988fda;

.bg-primary-light {
  background-color: #988fda;



A great way to use sass functions and maps to theme your application






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