This is the updated location of the Mathematics Society of the University of Waterloo documents that have existed in many locations over the years.
- Make a branch with the following naming convention <meeting_date (month-day-year)>-<meeting_type (council, board, general-meeting)>. Example sept-06-2020-council
- Make the necessary changes to the relevant documents
- Make a pull request and link the meeting minutes where the change occured. Note that pull requests will not be merged without this. If the minutes are not yet approved, make the pull request and it will be approved when the minutes are approved.
Please feel free to update the for clarity purposes.
Reach out to the VPA, Secretary or Speaker for more information on this process.
- From the VPO repository "fork" the repository to create your own copy of the documents.
- Go to and make an account/sign in
- Ensure your overleaf has access to your github
- Create a new project from the repo you just pulled or ensure you are on the latest branch
- Make your changes
- Push to github
- Make a PR request on github for the changes and email the VPO