Tool for creation backups.
- create
(by default config must store at /etc/backup/config.yaml) with next content:
#drivers section, describes possible storages of backup`s archives
s3: # s3 like storages configurations
default: # name of configuration
profile: <aws_shared_profile_name>
bucket: <bucket_name>
url: <endpoint_url>
path: <path_on_bucket>
fs: # just store archives in a directory
output_path: new/dir
- build backup
go build -o backup cmd/backup/main.go
- run with args: dir, driver, archive type
# path started from ~ or . will be resolved to absolute
# s3 - driver name, in example this is eq s3.default
# you can describe many driver configurations
# and use it in args in following format: <driver_type>.<driver_name>
# archive type is optional, one of zip,tar,tgz, first is default
./backup ~/my/dir s3 tgz --config=my_cfg.yaml
For scheduling used cron library. You must add to config root jobs section in following format:
- name: "Documents" # job to upload a directory
target: "~/Documents" #target path
driver: s3.default #driver name
schedule: "@every 1m" #see format of intervals in lib above
archive: tgz #archive type
timeout: 5m #timeout
After it, run one of commands:
./backup jobs #prints out jobs section
./backup schedule start # starts a schedule process
docker run --rm --name backup \
-v /data/volume:/var/data \ # -volume for data, which we wanna backup
-v ~/.aws:/root/.aws \ # .aws folder, shared profile configuration must be inside a container
-v ~/backup-config.yaml:/etc/backup/config.yaml \ # rewrite default config
# run a single backup
docker run --rm --name backup \
-v /data/volume:/var/data \ # -volume for data, which we wanna backup
-v ~/.aws:/root/.aws \ # .aws folder, shared profile configuration must be inside a container
-v ~/backup-config.yaml:/etc/backup/config.yaml \ # rewrite default config \ #backup binary is an entrypoint
/var/data s3 tgz # folder / driver / archive type