MaxMath v2.0.0
Re-Release Notes
- Version 2.0.0 adds - for the first time - fallback procedures from Avx2 to Sse4, Sse2 and platform independent instruction sets, respectively, with some major optimizations for all of them
- ARM and other instruction sets do NOT have optimized fallback procedures written for them, and there are no plans for it at this time. Burst/LLVM are good at recognizing the patterns in the code, though, and some of the code will be vectorized for other platforms (confirmed)
Known Issues
- half8 "equals" and "not equals" operators don't conform to the IEEE 754 standard - Unity has not yet reacted to my bug-report in regards to their "half" implementation
- fixed incorrect bool4 subvector getters of the bool8 type
- removed "fixed" vector element access to improve performance in managed C#
- added "shuffle(vector, vector, ShuffleComponent(, ShuffleComponent)(, ShuffleComponent)(, ShuffleComponent)) functions for (s)byte, (u)short, (u)long, quarter and half vectors
- Bump com.unity.burst to version 1.4.4
Fixed Oversights
Added "addsub" function for floating point types, complementary to "subadd"
Added "addsub" and "subadd" functions for integer types