An application for managing longitudinal clinical research databases and registries that is based on the OHDSI/OMOP Common Data Model (CDM). See http://www.ohdsi.org/
The application layers the following features on top of the OHDSI CDM.
Multitenant housing of registries.
Enrichment of the CDM to include protected health information fields.
Registry-scoped configuration of datapoints and the relationship between datapoints. Dynamic display of datapoints per registry.
Datapoint restriction of the list of possible values of CDM concept ID values.
Provenance tracking per imported standardized CDM clinical entity back to source system rows.
Support for the incremental load of data from multiple outside source systems.
A user interface to allow for the creation 'ex nihlo' of standardized CDM clinical entities.
A user interface to allow for the override of externally imported standardized CDM clinical entities.
Why the name 'Interleve'?
- Because clinical reserach databases and registries requrie the 'inteleaving' of manually created data and automatically pulled data from external systems (EHRs, billing/claims systems...)? Data must be stacked on top of each other and the provenance of each entity must be tracked. The data must be interleaved.
Live Demo
- Here is a live demo of the application: https://interleave.herokuapp.com/
- The demo is setup with a subset of the datapoints necessary for the Northwestern Prostate SPORE: http://cancer.northwestern.edu/prostatespore/
Open a psql command prompt
CREATE DATABASE interleave_development;
CREATE USER interleave_development WITH CREATEDB PASSWORD 'interleave_development';
ALTER DATABASE interleave_development OWNER TO interleave_development;
ALTER USER interleave_development SUPERUSER;
CREATE DATABASE interleave_test;
CREATE USER interleave_test WITH CREATEDB PASSWORD 'interleave_test';
ALTER DATABASE interleave_test OWNER TO interleave_test;
ALTER USER interleave_test SUPERUSER;
bundle exec rake db:migrate
Downlod ODHSI vocabularies from http://www.ohdsi.org/web/athena/. Make sure to include CPT4, LOINC, RXNORM, ICD9, ICD10, SNOMET. Follow the instructions on how to generate the CPT codes.
Place the OHDSI vocabulary files in '/db/omop_common_data_model/PostgreSQL/VocabImport/CDMV5VOCAB/'.
bundle exec rake setup:omop_vocabularies
bundle exec rake setup:interleave_registries
Heroku setup
heroku create interleave
git push heroku master
PGUSER=postgres PGPASSWORD=password heroku pg:push interleave_development DATABASE_URL --app interleave