This project is an iOS port of the Surveyor ruby gem ( It brings surveys to iPads and other iOS devices, with offline and sync capabilities. It is implemented as a Cocoa Touch static library (NUSurveyor), but also has an example target (NUSurveyorExample). See the NUAppDelegate for an example of how to use the NUSurveyor library in your application.
- Clone nu_surveyor from into the same parent directory as this project, e.g. ~/ios/nu_surveyor
- Click your project, your target and the "Build Phases" tab, "Link Binary With Libraries", click the "+", and add the entire nu_surveyor directory
- Click the "+" again and add "libNUSurveyor.a"
- Under the "Build Settings" tab, make sure "User Header Search Paths" is set to $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR) and "Recursive" is checked
- Under the "Build Settings" tab, make sure "Other linker flags" contains -all_load and -ObjC (capitalization matters)
frank build --target=NUSurveyorExample
frank launch --idiom=ipad
browse to http://localhost:37265/
- wakibbe (enabling this project)
- abby c-b (managing finances)
- seanvolution (managing expectations)
- rsutphin (guidance)
- jdzak (commiseration)
- Nataliya (stretching the functionality of surveyor)
- ybushmanova (stretching the functionality of surveyor)
- yipdw (dependency graph)
- hyperjeff (dependency evaluation)
- l wy (ethnography, ux)
- The American Mustache Institute (