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257 lines (197 loc) · 15.9 KB

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257 lines (197 loc) · 15.9 KB


Method HTTP request Description
get_prims_within_bounding_box_asset_graph_usd_prims_spatial_bbox_get GET /asset_graph/usd/prims/spatial_bbox Get Prims Within Bounding Box
get_prims_within_radius_asset_graph_usd_prims_spatial_get GET /asset_graph/usd/prims/spatial Get Prims Within Radius


List[Prim] get_prims_within_bounding_box_asset_graph_usd_prims_spatial_bbox_get(scene_url, min_bbox_x, min_bbox_y, min_bbox_z, max_bbox_x, max_bbox_y, max_bbox_z, limit=limit, prim_type=prim_type, usd_path_prefix=usd_path_prefix, properties_filter=properties_filter, min_bbox_dimension_x=min_bbox_dimension_x, min_bbox_dimension_y=min_bbox_dimension_y, min_bbox_dimension_z=min_bbox_dimension_z, max_bbox_dimension_x=max_bbox_dimension_x, max_bbox_dimension_y=max_bbox_dimension_y, max_bbox_dimension_z=max_bbox_dimension_z)

Get Prims Within Bounding Box

Perform a spatial search within a scene to retrieve prims from a USD scene that fall within a specified bounding box. The bounding box is defined by two points: [min_bbox_x, min_bbox_y, min_bbox_z] and [max_bbox_x, max_bbox_y, max_bbox_z]. A prim is considered to be within the bounding box if its bounding box midpoint falls within the specified query bounding box.


  • Api Key Authentication (APIKeyHeader):
  • Basic Authentication (HTTPBasic):
  • Bearer Authentication (HTTPBearer):
import usd_search_client
from usd_search_client.models.prim import Prim
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = usd_search_client.Configuration(
    host = ""

# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.

# Configure API key authorization: APIKeyHeader
configuration.api_key['APIKeyHeader'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]

# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['APIKeyHeader'] = 'Bearer'

# Configure HTTP basic authorization: HTTPBasic
configuration = usd_search_client.Configuration(
    username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
    password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]

# Configure Bearer authorization: HTTPBearer
configuration = usd_search_client.Configuration(
    access_token = os.environ["BEARER_TOKEN"]

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
async with usd_search_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = usd_search_client.AGSSpatialGraphApi(api_client)
    scene_url = 'scene_url_example' # str | Retrieve prims from the scene at specified URL.
    min_bbox_x = 3.4 # float | Query bounding box minimum X
    min_bbox_y = 3.4 # float | Query bounding box minimum Y
    min_bbox_z = 3.4 # float | Query bounding box minimum Z
    max_bbox_x = 3.4 # float | Query bounding box maximum X
    max_bbox_y = 3.4 # float | Query bounding box maximum Y
    max_bbox_z = 3.4 # float | Query bounding box maximum Z
    limit = 1000 # int | Page size (optional) (default to 1000)
    prim_type = usd_search_client.PrimType() # PrimType | Retrieve prims of the specified types. Can provide either a single type or a list of types. (optional)
    usd_path_prefix = 'usd_path_prefix_example' # str | Retrieve prims with USD paths that begin with this prefix (i.e., the children of the prim at the specified path). (optional)
    properties_filter = 'properties_filter_example' # str | Filter prims based on USD attributes (note: only a subset of attributes configured in the indexing service is available). Format: `attribute1=abc,attribute2=456` (optional)
    min_bbox_dimension_x = 3.4 # float | Minimum bounding box X dimension (optional)
    min_bbox_dimension_y = 3.4 # float | Minimum bounding box Y dimension (optional)
    min_bbox_dimension_z = 3.4 # float | Minimum bounding box Z dimension (optional)
    max_bbox_dimension_x = 3.4 # float | Max bounding box X dimension (optional)
    max_bbox_dimension_y = 3.4 # float | Max bounding box Y dimension (optional)
    max_bbox_dimension_z = 3.4 # float | Max bounding box Z dimension (optional)

        # Get Prims Within Bounding Box
        api_response = await api_instance.get_prims_within_bounding_box_asset_graph_usd_prims_spatial_bbox_get(scene_url, min_bbox_x, min_bbox_y, min_bbox_z, max_bbox_x, max_bbox_y, max_bbox_z, limit=limit, prim_type=prim_type, usd_path_prefix=usd_path_prefix, properties_filter=properties_filter, min_bbox_dimension_x=min_bbox_dimension_x, min_bbox_dimension_y=min_bbox_dimension_y, min_bbox_dimension_z=min_bbox_dimension_z, max_bbox_dimension_x=max_bbox_dimension_x, max_bbox_dimension_y=max_bbox_dimension_y, max_bbox_dimension_z=max_bbox_dimension_z)
        print("The response of AGSSpatialGraphApi->get_prims_within_bounding_box_asset_graph_usd_prims_spatial_bbox_get:\n")
    except Exception as e:
        print("Exception when calling AGSSpatialGraphApi->get_prims_within_bounding_box_asset_graph_usd_prims_spatial_bbox_get: %s\n" % e)


Name Type Description Notes
scene_url str Retrieve prims from the scene at specified URL.
min_bbox_x float Query bounding box minimum X
min_bbox_y float Query bounding box minimum Y
min_bbox_z float Query bounding box minimum Z
max_bbox_x float Query bounding box maximum X
max_bbox_y float Query bounding box maximum Y
max_bbox_z float Query bounding box maximum Z
limit int Page size [optional] [default to 1000]
prim_type PrimType Retrieve prims of the specified types. Can provide either a single type or a list of types. [optional]
usd_path_prefix str Retrieve prims with USD paths that begin with this prefix (i.e., the children of the prim at the specified path). [optional]
properties_filter str Filter prims based on USD attributes (note: only a subset of attributes configured in the indexing service is available). Format: `attribute1=abc,attribute2=456` [optional]
min_bbox_dimension_x float Minimum bounding box X dimension [optional]
min_bbox_dimension_y float Minimum bounding box Y dimension [optional]
min_bbox_dimension_z float Minimum bounding box Z dimension [optional]
max_bbox_dimension_x float Max bounding box X dimension [optional]
max_bbox_dimension_y float Max bounding box Y dimension [optional]
max_bbox_dimension_z float Max bounding box Z dimension [optional]

Return type



APIKeyHeader, HTTPBasic, HTTPBearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Successful Response -
422 Validation Error -

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List[SpatialQueryResponseItem] get_prims_within_radius_asset_graph_usd_prims_spatial_get(scene_url, radius, center_prim_usd_path=center_prim_usd_path, center_x=center_x, center_y=center_y, center_z=center_z, transformation_matrix=transformation_matrix, limit=limit, prim_type=prim_type, usd_path_prefix=usd_path_prefix, properties_filter=properties_filter, min_bbox_dimension_x=min_bbox_dimension_x, min_bbox_dimension_y=min_bbox_dimension_y, min_bbox_dimension_z=min_bbox_dimension_z, max_bbox_dimension_x=max_bbox_dimension_x, max_bbox_dimension_y=max_bbox_dimension_y, max_bbox_dimension_z=max_bbox_dimension_z)

Get Prims Within Radius

Perform a spatial search within a scene to retrieve prims from a USD scene based on their proximity to a reference prim center_prim_usd_path or specific coordinates [center_x, center_y, center_z] within a specified radius. Note: You must specify either center_prim_usd_path or the coordinates [center_x, center_y, center_z]. Returns prim objects including: attributes, dimensions, and min, max, midpoint coordinates of the bounding box, distance from the query center, vector from the query center to the prim midpoint. If searching using center_prim_usd_path the center prim at center_prim_usd_path is included in the results (unless excluded by filters used).


  • Api Key Authentication (APIKeyHeader):
  • Basic Authentication (HTTPBasic):
  • Bearer Authentication (HTTPBearer):
import usd_search_client
from usd_search_client.models.spatial_query_response_item import SpatialQueryResponseItem
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = usd_search_client.Configuration(
    host = ""

# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.

# Configure API key authorization: APIKeyHeader
configuration.api_key['APIKeyHeader'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]

# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['APIKeyHeader'] = 'Bearer'

# Configure HTTP basic authorization: HTTPBasic
configuration = usd_search_client.Configuration(
    username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
    password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]

# Configure Bearer authorization: HTTPBearer
configuration = usd_search_client.Configuration(
    access_token = os.environ["BEARER_TOKEN"]

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
async with usd_search_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = usd_search_client.AGSSpatialGraphApi(api_client)
    scene_url = 'scene_url_example' # str | URL of the scene to search.
    radius = 3.4 # float | Radius of the proximity query
    center_prim_usd_path = 'center_prim_usd_path_example' # str | USD path of the reference Prim. (Returned in results unless excluded by filters) (optional)
    center_x = 3.4 # float | X coordinate of the query center. (optional)
    center_y = 3.4 # float | Y coordinate of the query center. (optional)
    center_z = 3.4 # float | Z coordinate of the query center. (optional)
    transformation_matrix = '1,0,0;0,1,0;0,0,1' # str | Transformation matrix for the vector space. By default does not apply any transformation. (optional) (default to '1,0,0;0,1,0;0,0,1')
    limit = 1000 # int | Page size (optional) (default to 1000)
    prim_type = usd_search_client.PrimType() # PrimType | Retrieve prims of the specified types. Can provide either a single type or a list of types. (optional)
    usd_path_prefix = 'usd_path_prefix_example' # str | Retrieve prims with USD paths that begin with this prefix (i.e., the children of the prim at the specified path). (optional)
    properties_filter = 'properties_filter_example' # str | Filter prims based on USD attributes (note: only a subset of attributes configured in the indexing service is available). Format: `attribute1=abc,attribute2=456` (optional)
    min_bbox_dimension_x = 3.4 # float | Minimum bounding box X dimension (optional)
    min_bbox_dimension_y = 3.4 # float | Minimum bounding box Y dimension (optional)
    min_bbox_dimension_z = 3.4 # float | Minimum bounding box Z dimension (optional)
    max_bbox_dimension_x = 3.4 # float | Max bounding box X dimension (optional)
    max_bbox_dimension_y = 3.4 # float | Max bounding box Y dimension (optional)
    max_bbox_dimension_z = 3.4 # float | Max bounding box Z dimension (optional)

        # Get Prims Within Radius
        api_response = await api_instance.get_prims_within_radius_asset_graph_usd_prims_spatial_get(scene_url, radius, center_prim_usd_path=center_prim_usd_path, center_x=center_x, center_y=center_y, center_z=center_z, transformation_matrix=transformation_matrix, limit=limit, prim_type=prim_type, usd_path_prefix=usd_path_prefix, properties_filter=properties_filter, min_bbox_dimension_x=min_bbox_dimension_x, min_bbox_dimension_y=min_bbox_dimension_y, min_bbox_dimension_z=min_bbox_dimension_z, max_bbox_dimension_x=max_bbox_dimension_x, max_bbox_dimension_y=max_bbox_dimension_y, max_bbox_dimension_z=max_bbox_dimension_z)
        print("The response of AGSSpatialGraphApi->get_prims_within_radius_asset_graph_usd_prims_spatial_get:\n")
    except Exception as e:
        print("Exception when calling AGSSpatialGraphApi->get_prims_within_radius_asset_graph_usd_prims_spatial_get: %s\n" % e)


Name Type Description Notes
scene_url str URL of the scene to search.
radius float Radius of the proximity query
center_prim_usd_path str USD path of the reference Prim. (Returned in results unless excluded by filters) [optional]
center_x float X coordinate of the query center. [optional]
center_y float Y coordinate of the query center. [optional]
center_z float Z coordinate of the query center. [optional]
transformation_matrix str Transformation matrix for the vector space. By default does not apply any transformation. [optional] [default to '1,0,0;0,1,0;0,0,1']
limit int Page size [optional] [default to 1000]
prim_type PrimType Retrieve prims of the specified types. Can provide either a single type or a list of types. [optional]
usd_path_prefix str Retrieve prims with USD paths that begin with this prefix (i.e., the children of the prim at the specified path). [optional]
properties_filter str Filter prims based on USD attributes (note: only a subset of attributes configured in the indexing service is available). Format: `attribute1=abc,attribute2=456` [optional]
min_bbox_dimension_x float Minimum bounding box X dimension [optional]
min_bbox_dimension_y float Minimum bounding box Y dimension [optional]
min_bbox_dimension_z float Minimum bounding box Z dimension [optional]
max_bbox_dimension_x float Max bounding box X dimension [optional]
max_bbox_dimension_y float Max bounding box Y dimension [optional]
max_bbox_dimension_z float Max bounding box Z dimension [optional]

Return type



APIKeyHeader, HTTPBasic, HTTPBearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Successful Response -
422 Validation Error -

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