Alien Invasion is a classic 2D arcade game implemented in Python using the Pygame library. The game involves a spaceship controlled by the player, tasked with shooting down waves of incoming alien invaders. The objective is to survive as long as possible while accumulating points by destroying aliens.
Player Spaceship: Control a spaceship using keyboard inputs to navigate and shoot.
Alien Invaders: Encounter waves of alien invaders that move across the screen and descend upon the player.
Shooting Mechanics: Fire bullets from the spaceship to eliminate alien invaders.
Score Tracking: Keep track of the player's score based on the number of aliens destroyed.
Game Over: The game ends when the aliens reach the bottom of the screen or collide with the player's spaceship.
Before running the Alien Invasion game, ensure you have the following installed:
Python (version 3.x)
Pygame library
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd 2-D_Game_Alien_Invasion
Install Pygame:
pip install pygame
Run the game:
Control the spaceship using the arrow keys and shoot by pressing the spacebar.
Use the left and right arrow keys to move the spaceship horizontally. Press the spacebar to shoot bullets and destroy incoming aliens. Avoid collisions with the aliens, and try to survive as long as possible. The game ends when the aliens reach the bottom of the screen or collide with the player's spaceship. Contributing
1. Fork the repository.
2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
3. Implement your changes.
4. Submit a pull request.