GHG dashboard is a simple SPA written in React and Typescript. It shows GHG emissions based on country and interval (e.g. month, day, week). the start and the end dates are hardcoded. User can choose which of the GHGs charts she/he wants to see.
The GHG dashboard is built on top of the default create-react-app
, so the usual commands also apply here.
after cloning the repo run the npm install
or yarn
command inside of it to install the dependencies.
starting the development server can be done with the command npm start
or yarn start
to create the minified bundle run yarn build
or npm run build
to run the tests run npm run test
or yarn test
Test coverage is very low, it boils down to the product selection, and the hook that fetches products, for the sake of the task.
Types could eventually be generated based on the be responses, or from a dedicated config file.
ESlint setup is bare bones
Checks in pre-commit hook should not run if the changes are made on non ts/js(x) files