☝️ This practice we create Instagram demo version.It dose not work with Internet.I tryed to make it's design,structure and work as Instagram so that I named it Instagram.
or watch demo video in YoutubeApplication consists of lots of windows.They are main which you watch video,profil and chating windows.
- Sign in
- Password,can make it visible and invisible
- Instagram main window.There are HorizontalScrollView there located statues, VideoView with RecyclerView
- When click messanger icon on the top,it bring you chatting window,There are video rooms and you write messages there.
- Click more vert icon open BottomSheetDialog and give you channs choose more options.
- push on the name open profile window.There you can see it's posts,Followers and haw many.
- Click Message button than open it's profile
- button <- it's task go back
- button more vertical there is share part,you can share videos to your firends.
Use single activity architecture methods