Only one person edits scenes at a time.
Conflicts in scene (.unity) files are rediculously hard to resolve, unless you have Unity Pro's diff tool.
- cd to the directory you want the project to be in (mine is D:/projects/_school/Com S 309/QuarterGame)
git clone
ORgit clone [email protected]:309F2015/G25_Quarter.git
(if you have your SSH keys set up.)- This will set up the above URL as the 'origin' remote automatically
- In explorer navigate to QuarterGame/Assets/Scenes
- Double-click defaultScene.unity to open Unity and create all other necessary files.
Anything that does not need to be in the final game (tests, scenes that you made just to try something out, etc.) should be put into a 'dev' folder directly in the Assets folder. This entire folder will be ignored by git.
You should not have to worry about having to ignore anything in git, that should all be set up already.
When committing new scripts, be sure to add both the .cs and the .cs.meta files. Same goes with other file extensions for things that aren't scripts.
3d models should not be committed unless they are finished or in use (to keep git fast).