v0.3.2 (16/12/2020)
[enhancement ][system ] Migrate foreigns to pybind11 #3939
[feature ][op ][python ] add swish activation #3970
[bug ][op ] fix argwhere format #4010
[enhancement ][op ] Argwhere support empty blob #4009
[feature ][op ][python ] add mish activation #3972
[bug ][eager ] Fix eager memory leak and re-enable new checkpoint #4008
[ci ][enhancement ] upload bin to oss #4000
[enhancement ][op ] Fuse cast scale #3999
[enhancement ][op ] layer_norm_grad_add_to_output #3998
[enhancement ][system ] Optimize NcclCollectiveBoxingExecutorBackend::ExecuteGroup latency #3997
[feature ][system ] OptimizerPlacementOptimization #3944
[enhancement ][op ] Dev optimize prelu #3987
[api ][enhancement ][op ] Switch identity to user op and add it to auto mixed precision clear list #3992
[enhancement ][op ] Optimize slice kernel #3989
[bug ][op ] Hotfix: add parallel cast to amp clear list #3988
[bottleneck ][enhancement ][system ] Sublinear memory cost by checkpointing #3976
[enhancement ][system ] Add gradients stats aggregation #3979
[feature ][system ] nccl enable mixed fusion #3981
[enhancement ][op ] fused_scale_tril / hot fix matmul / softmax broadcast_sub broadcast_div #3980
[bug ][op ] add combined margin cpu and fix bug #3961
[feature ][op ] Add multi_square_sum op #3977
[bug ][op ] fix pad op #3971
[ci ][enhancement ][test ] larger tol for bn #3965
[cfg ][enhancement ][python ] Dev replace py job conf proto to cfg #3856
[enhancement ][refactor ][ssp ] Dev ssp fix fuse and add just #3959
[cfg ][enhancement ][refactor ][tooling ] replace ScopeProto to cfg #3816
[feature ][op ] TripOp add fill value #3960
[enhancement ][system ] remove serialized in python callback #3891
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