A Node.js library for performing various tasks involving AudioMoth and files created by the AudioMoth. The module is hosted on npm under the name 'audiomoth-utils'.
The module should be imported as normal:
var audiomothUtils = require('audiomoth-utils');
Expand an AudioMoth T.WAV recording (a recording with amplitude thresholding or frequency triggering applied):
audiomothUtils.expand(inputPath, outputPath, prefix, expansionType, maximumFileDuration, generateSilentFiles, alignToSecondTransitions, (progress) => {
console.log(progress + '% completed');
To be identified as an AudioMoth T.WAV file, a recording must fit the regex /^(\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d_)?\d\d\d\d\d\dT.WAV$/
and have the correct WAV header comment.
Split an AudioMoth WAV file into a number of smaller files:
audiomothUtils.split(inputPath, outputPath, prefix, maximumFileDuration, (progress) => {
console.log(progress + '% completed');
To be identified as an AudioMoth WAV file, a recording must fit the regex /^(\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d_)?\d\d\d\d\d\d.WAV$/
and have the correct WAV header comment.
Downsample an AudioMoth WAV file to a lower sample rate:
audiomothUtils.downsample(inputPath, outputPath, prefix, requestedSampleRate, (progress) => {
console.log(progress + '% completed');
To be identified as an AudioMoth WAV file, a recording must fit the regex /^(\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d_)?\d\d\d\d\d\d.WAV$/
and have the correct WAV header comment.
Synchronise an AudioMoth WAV file recorded using the AudioMoth-GPS-Sync firmware:
audiomothUtils.sync(inputPath, outputPath, prefix, resampleRate, autoResolve, (progress) => {
console.log(progress + '% completed');
To be identified as an AudioMoth WAV file, a recording must fit the regex /^(\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d_)?\d\d\d\d\d\d.WAV$/
and have the correct WAV header comment. The function will check for, and load, the associated CSV file generated by the AudioMoth-GPS-Sync firmware.
To summarise a folder of AudioMoth files first clear any previous summary:
Then provide the path to the parent folder and each file:
audiomothUtils.summariser.summarise(folderPath, filePath, (progress) => {
console.log(progress + '% completed');
Finally, write the summary CSV file to a destination:
Copyright 2017 Open Acoustic Devices.