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added releaser utility
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JanBliznicenko committed Oct 16, 2023
1 parent d5903e1 commit c203ac6
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Showing 2 changed files with 207 additions and 0 deletions.
206 changes: 206 additions & 0 deletions repository/OpenPonk-Releaser/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
Class {
#name : #OPReleaser,
#superclass : #Object,
#instVars : [
#category : #'OpenPonk-Releaser'

{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
OPReleaser class >> releaseRepositories: aCollectionOfString asVersion: anArrayOfNumbers [

aCollectionOfString do: [ :each |
self releaseRepository: each asVersion: anArrayOfNumbers ]

{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
OPReleaser class >> releaseRepository: aName asVersion: anArrayOfNumbers [

^ self new
repositoryName: aName;
versionArray: anArrayOfNumbers;

{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
OPReleaser class >> releaseRepository: aName branch: aString asVersion: anArrayOfNumbers [

^ self new
repositoryName: aName;
branch: aString;
versionArray: anArrayOfNumbers;

{ #category : #actions }
OPReleaser >> commitAndPush [
"------------- HANDLE OPEN WINDOWS IF ANY ----------------"

self confirmToContinue:
'Handle open merge window, make neccessary changes in the baseline, then proceed'.

"commit via GUI"
(IceTipCommitBrowser onRepository: repo) open.

"------------- HANDLE OPEN WINDOWS IF ANY ----------------"
self confirmToContinue: 'Handle commit window, then proceed'.

"push the changes to GitHub"
releaseBranch pushTo: remoteBranch remote

{ #category : #utilities }
OPReleaser >> confirmToContinue: aText [

(UIManager default proceed: aText) ifFalse: [
self notify: 'Release script cancelled' ]

{ #category : #actions }
OPReleaser >> createRelease [

self getRepo.
self getRemoteReleaseBranch.
self getLocalReleaseBranch.
self commitAndPush.
self createTags.
^ self getGitCommands

{ #category : #actions }
OPReleaser >> createTags [
"preparing tags"

| commitToTag tags verToTag patchTag |
commitToTag := releaseBranch commit.

tags := repo tags.

"conversion util"
verToTag := [ :t | 'v' , (t joinUsing: '.') ].

"create patch tag v1.2.3"
patchTag := verToTag value: versionArray.
detect: [ :t | t name = patchTag ]
ifFound: [ :t |
self error: 'Patch tag ' , patchTag , ' already exists' ].
commitToTag createTag: patchTag.

"create minor tag v1.2.x"
minorTag := verToTag value: (versionArray first: 2) , { 'x' }.
detect: [ :t | t name = minorTag ]
ifFound: [ :t | repo removeTag: t ].
commitToTag createTag: minorTag.

"create major tag v1.x"
majorTag := verToTag value: {
versionArray first.
'x' }.
detect: [ :t | t name = majorTag ]
ifFound: [ :t | repo removeTag: t ].
commitToTag createTag: majorTag

{ #category : #actions }
OPReleaser >> getGitCommands [

^ gitCommands := String streamContents: [ :s |
s << 'pushd "' << repo location fullName << '"'.
s lf.
s << ('git push --delete origin ' , minorTag).
s lf.
s << ('git push --delete origin ' , majorTag).
s lf.
s << 'git push --tags'.
s lf ]

{ #category : #actions }
OPReleaser >> getLocalReleaseBranch [
"pull to ensure it is up to date"

| masterBranch masterBranchModel |
releaseBranch pullFrom: remoteBranch remote.

"get master branch"
masterBranch := repo allBranches detect: [ :b | b name = 'master' ].
masterBranchModel := IceTipBranchModel
repositoryModel: repoModel
on: masterBranch.

"merge master branch into the currently checked-out (which is the release branch)"
masterBranchModel previewMerge: IceTipMergeType direct

{ #category : #actions }
OPReleaser >> getRemoteReleaseBranch [
"grab remote branch"

| remoteBranchModel |
remoteBranch := repo allBranches detect: [ :b |
b name = 'origin/release_base' ].
remoteBranchModel := IceTipBranchModel
repositoryModel: repoModel
on: remoteBranch.

"if not available locally, yet, checkout remote"
repo allBranches
detect: [ :b | b name = 'release_base' ]
ifNone: [ "perform checkout via GUI"
remoteBranchModel previewCheckout ].

"------------- HANDLE OPEN WINDOWS IF ANY ----------------"
self confirmToContinue:
'If any window opened, handle checkout release_base, then proceed'

{ #category : #actions }
OPReleaser >> getRepo [

repo := IceRepository registry detect: [ :each |
each name = repositoryName ].
repoModel := IceTipRepositoryModel on: repo

{ #category : #initialization }
OPReleaser >> initialize [

super initialize.
nightlyBranchName := 'master'

{ #category : #actions }
OPReleaser >> inspectGitCommands [

^ (gitCommands ifNil: [ self createRelease ])

{ #category : #accessing }
OPReleaser >> repositoryName: aString [

repositoryName := aString

{ #category : #versions }
OPReleaser >> versionArray: aCollection [

versionArray := aCollection
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions repository/OpenPonk-Releaser/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Package { #name : #'OpenPonk-Releaser' }

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