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E-Commerce FullStack

An E-Commerce website built with a full stack development approach, including both backend and frontend components. This project strictly follows course material to understand enterprise architecture effectively. For more details, refer to the course link.

Project Overview

Backend: .NET Core

The backend is developed using .NET Core and showcases several enterprise architecture concepts and design patterns:

  • Enterprise Architecture: Organized into Data Access, Core, Business, and Entity layers.
  • Usage of Interfaces: Implementing interfaces such as IEntity, IProductDal, and the Generic Repository Design Pattern (Add(T entity)).
  • LINQ Usage: Examples include filtering and selecting data, e.g., Product productToUpdate = _products.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ProductId == product.ProductId);.
  • LINQ Expressions: Generic filtering using expressions, e.g., List<T> GetAll(Expression<Func<T, bool>> filter = null);.
  • Generic Constraints: Applying constraints, e.g., IEntityRepository<T> where T : class.
  • Entity Framework: Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) with LINQ support, basic ORM concepts like DbContext.
  • IDisposable Pattern: Used for garbage collection, e.g., using (NorthwindContext) {}.
  • Core Layer: Contains database-agnostic code to minimize repetition.
  • DTOs (Data Transfer Objects): Used for joining SQL tables and transferring data.
  • Result Handling: Custom result classes for handling requests and responses (success and error results for both data and non-data scenarios).
  • ASP.NET Core Web API: RESTful architecture with JSON format support for GET/POST operations, demonstrated using Postman.
  • Autofac for IoC (Inversion of Control) Container: Managing dependencies and supporting aspect-oriented programming.
  • Fluent Validation: For input validation.
  • Aspect-Oriented Programming: Implemented using Autofac.
  • JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for Authentication: Handling authorization and claims.
  • Hashing: Utilizes System.Security.Cryptography for secure hashing.
  • Class Extensions: Includes examples like ClaimExtensions, ClaimsPrincipalExtensions.
  • ServiceCollection Extensions: For dependency injection, particularly for Aspects.
  • Middleware Usage: For error handling and validation errors.
  • Caching: Implemented cache aspect for performance optimization.

Frontend: Angular

The frontend is developed using Angular with several features:

  • Bootstrap: For styling and responsive design.
  • Data Handling: Efficient data management on the frontend.
  • Angular Routing: For navigation between different pages.
  • Pipes and Filters: Data transformation using Angular Pipes and filters.
  • Forms Module: Usage of ngModel, "banana in a box" notation, and FormBuilder.
  • Toastr for Notifications: On-screen notifications for user interactions.
  • Data Addition through Forms: Utilizing FormBuilder to add data to the database.
  • Authentication and Authorization: Handling login and tokens using local storage, interceptors for token tracking, and guards for route protection.



E-Commerce website with backend & frontend






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