Made with Unity 2022.3.0f1 LTS
A task project assigned by Velo Games.
A simple library app that lets you do simple library stuff.
More info in TaskDescription-tr.pdf in the root folder.
21.01.2024 working build:
Initially the project had different UI panels for every individual function.
30.01.2024 working build:
Remade the whole UI setup to handle most operations in PopupPanelUI and ListPanelUI.
05.02.2024 Working windows build:
UI sounds, colors added. Admin panel added. Main panel now shows the time, sound can be turned on or off, saved in the player prefs. Supports 21.9 ultra wide displays and more:
-Uses state machine to contextually arrange list / popup windows and searchManager.cs
-Uses scriptable objects for data persistance (in editor only)
-Can use json to import-export data
Feedback Optimizations:
-Naming conventions altered. Changed Unity's naming conventions to C# standards and conventions.
-AssetDatabase usage revoked. Now altered the json import/export feature to handle saves on program start / closure to make the build possible.
A non profit project.
Assets in use:
MouseClick - mouse-click-153941 - CC0 -
WarningSound - CC0 -
SuccessSound - interface-124464 - CC0 -
ErrorSound - CC0 -
Sound on / off image - CC0 -