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Charlie Britton edited this page Jul 10, 2016 · 5 revisions

Modifyworld is a very powerful world modification plugin. When enabled, it allows you very fine grained control over what players can do in your world, what will affect them, what items and blocks they are allowed to have, and what items or blocks they can use on other blocks and items (don't want them using a stone pickaxe on wood? You can block it with modifyworld!).

For example, a new player joins your server and you didn't notice it because you where AFK. With the right permissions configuration for ModifyWorld, they will be unable to do anything unless you promote or change their group!


Modifyworld Notes (top)

This section requires that you have a permissions plugin installed, which includes a basic structured group layout that allows the default group to only chat.

By default, users are not restricted. This is by design. Set specific nodes on this list to false to restrict users from performing actions, or set modifyworld.* to false to block a user from doing anything.

  • By default, modifyworld uses block names instead of block ID's. To use ID's, change or add the use-material-names: false line to the config.
  • Negate a node (-, set its value to false) to disallow a feature to a user/group. Use the wildcard symbol * to include all subnodes.
  • When using PermissionsEx, per the Regex section on the Advanced Permissions Setup page, you can specify multiple items within a single line. To do this, put the item codes/names in parentheses, separated by a pipe character (a shift-backslash on most US keyboard layouts). For example, (260|296|297) will match apples, wheat, and bread if use-material-names is false.


  • Thanks to Bukkit user @Tahg we were notified about one issue with the* node: If you remove modifyworld.* from a group, for the group to place blocks, you will need to specify what blocks the group is allowed to place other blocks on using the modifyworld.blocks.interact.* (alternately you can use a wildcard for the block ID with modifyworld.blocks.interact.*) in addition to the* for the blocks the group is allowed to place. This is because Bukkit checks first for onPlayerInteract() then for onBlockPlace().
    • For example, when trying to place a sand block on a grass block, the permission node checks are modifyworld.blocks.interact.grass then Consider the block being targeted with this action - the interact permission is required for the block that is targeted with right-click, and thus could be to the side or above the placed block.
  • Metadata can appear on a lot of blocks and items that you might not expect, please make sure you read the section on Metadata and check the debug output before posting in the forums!

Configuration (top)

Modifyworld configuration is stored in plugins/Modifyworld/config.yml

An example ModifyWorld config file:

informPlayers: true
itemRestrictions: true
whitelist: false
    prohibitedItem: You have prohibited item "%s".
    whitelist: You are not allowed to join this server. Goodbye!
    permissionDenied: Sorry, you don't have enough permissions
use-material-names: true
drop-restricted-item: false
item-use-check: false

Configuration Properties (top)

Property Default Value Description
informPlayers false Informs players if/when their permissions change
itemRestrictions false Enable/disable item restrictions. If this is enabled, items not configured to be allowed will be removed from the player's inventory if it's found.
messages.prohibitedItem You have prohibited item "%s". Message sent to players who have disallowed item(s)
messages.whitelist You are not allowed to join this server. Goodbye! Message sent to clients not on the whitelist
messages.permissionDenied Sorry, you don't have enough permissions What is sent to players trying to do something they are not allowed to
whitelist false Enable/disable the whitelisting feature
drop-restricted-item false If true, restricted items will be "ejected" from the player as if they dropped the items. If false, the items will just dissappear.
use-material-names true If true, modifyworld will use item names (dirt) instead of item numbers (3) when checking the permission nodes
check-metadata (REMOVED AS OF VERSION 1.19.1) false If true, modifyworld will use the meta-data for blocks and items in the permissions checks. This means that your nodes may need a :* or .* added to the end of them!
item-use-check false If true, modifyworld will enable the modifyworld.item.use.<itemid>.on.block.<blockid> node and check for rights to use <itemid> on <blockid>. Note that this basically replaces the modifyworld.interact.<entityName> checks.

Metadata Notes (top)

Starting with release 1.19.1, metadata handling has been changed a bit.

There is no longer a need to specifically turn on metadata handling for modifyworld. However, a lot of blocks and items have metadata that one might not expect, or now has metadata due to changes in minecraft and bukkit.

A few examples are leaf blocks (each type has it's own value), planks (for the different colours), and sandstone (the different designs).

For item ID's that have metadata, using :* will cover all possible values for the metadata. For nodes that cover multiple items/blocks where some have metadata and others do not, the regex value of :?* will cover ID's that have metadata and ID's that do not.

Many blocks that you might not expect can have metadata, such as chests and doors that are freshly placed but have not been opened yet. When in doubt and you can't get a permission node, turning on debug will show what is being looked for. Please do this before posting in the forums, I can't stress this enough. Metadata is a very large stumbling block for many new users to PEX.

Generic Nodes (top)

Permission node Description
modifyworld.login Allow/disallow a user/group to join your server. You need whitelist: true to make it work. Allow a player to write messages in public chat
modifyworld.sneak Player can crouch (check your Minecraft client config for the key) NOTE: Per, the node is here but it doesn't work due to a lack of support in Bukkit
modifyworld.sprint Player can sprint (double tap your forward key) NOTE: Per, the node is here but it doesn't work due to a lack of support in Bukkit Player can send private messages (using /tell)
modifyworld.usebeds Player can use beds
modifyworld.bucket.empty.<fluid> Player can empty buckets.
<fluid> can be water or lava
modifyworld.bucket.fill.<fluid> Player can fill buckets
<fluid> could be: water, lava or milk (earlier versions of PEX and bukkit used air for milk)
modifyworld.digestion Allows players' energy bar to deplete. A popular application of this would be to do -modifyworld.digestion to disable energy consumption whilst still enabling modifyworld.*

Block Nodes (top)

See Materials for <blockid> values.

Permission node Description
modifyworld.blocks.destroy.<blockid> Player can break <blockid>. It's also possible to specify <blockid> by name. Example: modifyworld.blocks.destroy.stone<blockid> Player can place <blockid>. NOTICE: This permission requires modifyworld.blocks.interact.<blockid> to work properly.
modifyworld.blocks.interact.<blockid> Player can interact with <blockid> (use levers, press buttons, etc.)

Item Nodes (top)

See Materials for <itemid> values.

Permission node Description
modifyworld.items.craft.<itemid> Player can craft <itemid>.
modifyworld.items.drop.<itemid> Player can drop <itemid>.
modifyworld.items.enchant.<itemid> Player can enchant <itemid>.
modifyworld.items.have.<itemid> Player can have <itemid> in their inventory. itemRestrictions: true need to be set for this to work.
modifyworld.items.hold.<itemid> Player can have <itemid> in their hand. itemRestrictions: true need to be set for this to work.
modifyworld.items.pickup.<itemid> Player can pickup <itemid>. Also it's possible to specify <itemid> by name, example: modifyworld.items.pickup.diamondpickaxe
modifyworld.item.use.<itemid>.on.block.<blockid> Player can use <itemid> on block <blockid>. item-use-check: true need to be set for this to work and is check in addition to the modifyworld.interact.<entityName> checks
As of 1.19.3
modifyworld.items.use.<itemid>.on.block.<blockid> Player can use <itemid> on block <blockid>. item-use-check: true need to be set for this to work and is check in addition to the modifyworld.interact.<entityName> checks
modifyworld.items.throw.<itemid> Player may throw eggs, snowballs, splash potions or experience bottles. Potion metadata excludes splash flag: potion:34 will match a Splash Potion of Swiftness II.
As of 1.19.4
modifyworld.items.take.<itemid>.of.<container> Player may take items from containers, such as chests.
modifyworld.items.put.<itemid>.of.<container> Player may put items in containers, such as chests.

Entity Nodes (top)

Permission node Description<entityName> Player can deal damage to <entityName> (e.g. skeleton, spider, creeper, cow, pig, minecart, etc)
modifyworld.damage.take.<entityName> Player can take damage from <entityName>
modifyworld.mobtarget.<entityName> Player can be targeted by <entityName>
modifyworld.interact.<entityName> Player can interact with <entityName>
modifyworld.tame.<entityName> Player can tame <entityName>. This permission won't give you ability to tame animals or mobs that are not normally tameable (no pet creepers). Currently, only animal.wolf and animal.ocelot are applicable.

Possible <entityName> values (top)

entityName Description
Players and Wolves
player.<playerName> Player called <playerName>. (Example: player.t3hk0d3)
group.<groupName> Any member of <groupName> group. (Example: group.admins)
animal.wolf Wild wolf
animal.wolf.<playerName> Wolf tamed by <playerName> (Example: wolf.t3hk0d3)
animal.ocelot Wild ocelot (cat)
animal.ocelot.<playerName> Tamed cat (ocelot)
Example: animal.ocelot.t3hk0d3
npc.villager Not related to Bert
snowman Not related Frosty
irongolem Defenders of the Villagers
animal.chicken cluck-cluck
animal.cow Mooo
animal.mushroomcow Mooshroom
animal.pig Pig
animal.sheep Sheep
animal.squid Squid
monster.blaze Pyros, every one...
monster.cavespider Worse than spiders
monster.creeper SssssSSSssss
monster.enderman Don't look at them directly
monster.ghast AWWWWWWW
monster.giant Giant Zombie
monster.pigzombie Pig Zombie, omg
monster.silverfish Beware the horde
monster.skeleton Them bones, them dry bones...
monster.slime Covers regular slimes and magma cubes
monster.spider Yep, this is Spider, he is annoying.
monster.zombie Brainzzzz...
starvation Num nums, or lack there of
fire Initial fire damage
lava Lava damage. Add firetick too for full protection.
firetick Damage from touching fire (or after stepping into lava) over time.
blockexplosion Damage from TNT explosion.
projectile.arrow Arrows shot at player
drowning Failing to grab a breath of fresh air
fall Jumping without a parachute
suicide Committing Seppuku
poison Poison potions

Vehicle Nodes (top)

NOTE: If you want to have permission to enter or exit a vehicle, you will also need modifyworld.interact.*

Permission node Description
modifyworld.vehicle.destroy.<vehicleName> Player can damage vehicles (minecarts for example)
modifyworld.vehicle.enter.<vehicleName> Player can enter vehicles
modifyworld.vehicle.collide.<vehicleName> Player can collide with a vehicle
### Possible <vehicleName> values [(top)](#Index)
vehicleName Description
boat Not related to the Love Boat
minecart Indiana Jones rides in one of these

##Material Names (top) If use-material-names is false use the ID column value. Otherwise use the Name value.

You can find more detail, including metadata information, at Minecraft Wiki.

	<th>Material ID</th>
	<th>Material Name</th>

	<th>Material ID</th>
	<th>Material Name</th>
















































































































































































Material ID Material Name