This was a technical assessment in an interview process I was in. This try has no frontend and is only focused on the backend part, which is severely improved in comparison to try #1. One can make requests to it via Postman. The backend queries a cryptocurrency price API. The exposed endpoints are:
http://localhost:3001/start with example body
"pair" : "SOL-USD",
"fetchInterval" : "5000",
"priceOscillationTrigger" : "0.0001"
and http://localhost:3001/stop
with example body
"pair" : "ETH-USD",
"fetchInterval" : "5000",
"priceOscillationTrigger" : "0.0001"
See the Postman collection in file PriceFeedAPI.postman_collection.json
The /start creates a monitoring process that compares prices after fetchInterval ms and emits an alert and stores the values in the db if the price oscillated more than priceOscillationTrigger % in the given fetch interval. The pair-fetchInterval-priceOscillationTrigger is a unique identifier of the monitoring process.
The /stop stops the monitoring of a given monitoring process, identified by pair-fetchInterval-priceOscillationTrigger.
have docker installed.
in root directory:
chmod +x
request: http://localhost:3001/price/BTC-USD
"pair": "BTC-USD",
"price": "57245.0366226897",
"timestamp": "2024-08-08T09:34:00.314Z"
request: http://localhost:3001/start with example body
"pair" : "SOL-USD",
"fetchInterval" : "5000",
"priceOscillationTrigger" : "0.0001"
Started monitoring for session: SOL-USD-5000-0.0001 , Process already running for session: SOL-USD-5000-0.0001
request: http://localhost:3001/stop with example body
"pair" : "ETH-USD",
"fetchInterval" : "5000",
"priceOscillationTrigger" : "0.0001"
Stopped monitoring for session: SOL-USD-5000-0.0001 , No process running for session: SOL-USD-5000-0.0001
npm test