A home control system created for personal use. The functionality is split into two main parts, information and routines.
The infromation is used for daily commuting. The two displays either show how many CityBikes are at the different stations close by, or which buses are coming / going from the closest bus stop.
The api for CityBikes (Trondheim) can be found at Trondheim Bysykkel, https://trondheimbysykkel.no/apne-data/sanntid The api for the bus stops can be found at En-Tur, https://developer.entur.org/pages-nsr-nsr
The currently implemented routines are:
- Spotify
- Coffee Machine
the ones that are missing are:
- PC (Wake-On-Lan)
- Heater bedroom
- Heater living room
- Lights
These are or will be implemented in several different ways:
- Spotify API
- Hue API