A simple datatable library for React. Useful for displaying, sorting and searching through JSON Array data.
- Data displayed in a table
- Sorting
- Searching
- React 18.2 or higher
- Vite to setup your React project
Npm npm i react-datatable-light -S
Yarn yarn add react-datatable-light
Pnpm pnpm add react-datatable-light
Import the Datatable react component from Datatable.jsx :
import Datatable from "react-datatable-light/Datatable"
function App(){
const data = [
{firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe"},
{firstName: "Jane", lastName: "Smith"}
return <Datatable data={data} />;
export default App;
There are a few options that you can use with the library, to specify options use the option attribute in the Datatable component :
import Datatable from "react-datatable-light/Datatable";
<Datatable data={data} options={
{perPage: 25, entries: false, search: true, sort: false}
- options.perPage (int) / Default :
| Defines the number of items per page - options.entries (boolean) / Default
| Show / Hide the entries select menu to change the entries showed per page - options.search (boolean) / Default
| Show / Hide the search input - options.sort (boolean) / Default
| enable / Disable the sort feature on columns - options.pagination.limit (int) / Default
| Indicates how much pages buttons we show at first and last page. Minimum limit is at 3 to avoid off limits and step option bugs in pagination. - options.pagination.step (int) / Default
| Indicates how much page number we get before and after current page when above the limit option. This option MUST be smaller than limit !
You can add a className attribute to add your own css class
<Datatable data={data} className={"custom-class"}/>;
In your CSS file :
/* Your custom style */