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Petteri Aimonen edited this page Jul 7, 2015 · 1 revision

Performance benchmarks

The benchmarks below are shown in different configurations:

  • ro is with rounding and overflow detection enabled.
  • nn is -DFIXMATH_NO_OVERFLOW -DFIXMATH_NO_ROUNDING, ie. both disabled.

The number after the configuration means the wordwidth setting, which does not affect accuracy but is selected to be suitable for the platform:

  • 64 is default
  • 32 is with -DFIXMATH_NO_64BIT
  • 08 is with -DFIXMATH_OPTIMIZE_8BIT

The performance tests are performed on a quite small number of testcases, because of the memory needed to store correct answers. The average number may not be representative of the average value in a real application, but the minimum and maximum values likely are quite accurate.

The performance is compared to compiler's own 32-bit float implementation.

ARM Cortex M3

Using simulator qemu-system-arm version 0.15.50 and compiler Sourcery G++ Lite 2011.03-42. The values are the number of instructions executed, including function call and storing result to memory. Most instructions on the platform take 1 cycle to execute, with some taking 2 cycles.

Compiler options: -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -O2

Operation min avg max configuration code size (bytes)
add fix16_add 9 9 11 ro64 26
fix16_add 2 2 2 nn64 ~2 (inlined)
float add 22 50 63 352
sub fix16_sub 9 10 11 ro64 26
fix16_sub 2 2 2 nn64 ~2 (inlined)
float sub 23 51 64 356
mul fix16_mul 12 17 20 ro64 76
fix16_mul 8 8 8 nn64 12
float mul 23 31 36 360
div fix16_div 37 54 72 ro64 182
fix16_div 37 47 62 nn64 166
float div 23 123 152 310
sqrt fix16_sqrt 142 169 225 ro64 126
fix16_sqrt 139 166 222 nn64 120
float sqrtf 361 361 361 354

Atmel ATMega 128

Using simulator simulavrxx git revision as of 2012-01-05 and compiler avr-gcc 4.5.3. The values are the number of cpu cycles, including function call and storing result to memory.

Compiler options: -mmcu=atmega128 -O2

Operation min avg max configuration code size (bytes)
add fix16_add 49 52 60 ro08 74
fix16_add 14 14 14 nn08 ~14 (inlined)
float add 606 982 1262 90 (+ 800 shared fp stuff)
sub fix16_sub 49 53 60 ro08 74
fix16_sub 14 14 14 nn08 ~14 (inlined)
float sub 612 988 1231 98
mul fix16_mul 294 344 453 ro08 818
fix16_mul 205 257 379 nn08 696
float mul 466 1742 2112 500
div fix16_div 171 752 1329 ro08 414
fix16_div 162 738 1307 nn08 382
float div 438 1293 1370 348
sqrt fix16_sqrt 605 714 934 ro08 386
fix16_sqrt 599 707 925 nn08 368
float sqrtf 486 493 497 144