WinPork Repair Tool Environment is a simple, minimalistic and user-friendly Windows Repair Tool, available for Windows Operating Systems from Windows 7 until Windows 11.
- Download the code as a .zip file.
- Open the .zip file.
- Copy the "WinPork-RTE-main" folder and paste it in your C:\ drive. Do not unpack the .zip! NOTE: No other drive but the C:\ drive is currently supported. We're working on some magic dynamic drive support!
- Rename the "WinPork-RTE-main" folder to "WinPork"
- (OPTIONAL) For easier access, drag the "WinPork 8.1x64 Repair Tool Environment" shortcut onto your Desktop.
- Done!
- Open the "WinPork 8.1x64 Repair Tool Environment" shortcut to start up WinPork. This requires Administrative access and restarts your computer. Save any files before starting WinPork.
- After your computer restarted, a command prompt should appear over the Windows bootscreen, followed by a pop-up window. If it did, WinPork got successfully deployed. If not, contact us for support.
- Close the pop-up window by pressing Enter on your keyboard. You now have succesfully booted up WinPork. NOTE: Your cursor in invisible in WinPork in some versions of Windows. If so, please navigate certain windows using your keyboard instead.
List of available WinPork commands: (NOTE: All Windows Command Prompt commands are available as well. Type "help" to display those.)'
reboot: Shutdown WinPork and reboot the computer.
envreset: Reset the WinPork Environment and reboot the computer.
nogui {pageNumber}: Shows this help message. ({pageNumber} = Help page to display)
wpver: Shows the current version of WinPork.
gentestfile {size}: Generates a Test File in C:\Generated Test Files with the specified size. ({size} = File Size in bytes)
deltestfile: Deletes all test files.
clearscreen: Clears the WinPork teminal.
ext {y/n}: Enables / Disables the .winpork extension respectively.
newuser {NORMAL/quick} [Username] [HasPassword{y/N}] [IsAdmin{y/N}]: Creates a new user.
deluser {username}: Deletes a user. ({username} = User to be deleted)
goto-user {username}: Navigate to the directory of the specified user. ({username} = User to go to)
admin {y/N}: Enables / Disables the Administrator account respectively.
goto-sys: Navigate to system32.
fix {winreg/exploit}: Enables you to fix the Windows Registry, or fix known and supported exploits.
verboselogon {y/n}: Enables / Disables verbose login messages respectively.
cursor {y/n}: Shows / Hides the cursor respectively. (Might not work on all versions of Windows.)