Thesis - Multimodal Imitation Learning for Gearbox Assembly with Haptic and Visual Data
This repository can record robot demonstrations, create datasets for learning to reach bottleneckpose in a self-supervised manner and run tests from the learned model to perform the demonstrated tasks.
Since the Franka robot is interfaced using python, franka -interface.launch
file in franka-ros-interface
has to be evecuted before starting the project, which is done in the franka_interface.launch
file under tele_operation
project using the cmd.
roslaunch tele_operation franka_interface.launch
To train and test the method, there are four steps:
"python" enables you to record a demonstration, then collect the two image datasets.
"python" enables you to create the self-supervised image dataset, ready for training.
"python" enables you to train the coarse bottleneck pose estimator, and the last-inch bottleneck pose estimator.
"python" enables you to test the controller on the task.
rostopic pub -1 /franka_control/error_recovery/goal franka_msgs/ErrorRecoveryActionGoal "{}"
rostopic pub -1 /franka_ros_interface/franka_control/error_recovery/goal franka_msgs/ErrorRecoveryActionGoal "{}"
rosrun rqt_controller_manager rqt_controller_manager
roslaunch rokubimini_ethercat rokubimini_ethercat.launch
- additionally
roslaunch bota_demo BFT_SENS_ECAT_M8.launch
- if graphs doesnot work
export MESA_LOADER_DRIVER_OVERRIDE=i965 && matlab
- if have any issues with CVX, open ~/Matlab/cvx in matlab and run