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Phillip Ferland edited this page Jun 6, 2016 · 1 revision

Basic header crap.

lastedit = 10-Feb-2014

Settings to where the tools folder is, the path for the smarty libs, where WiFiDB is isntalled, its URL and ports.

[General Settings]
wifidb_tools         = /opt/wifidb/tools/
wifidb_install       = /var/www/wifidb/
smarty_path          = /var/www/wifidb/smarty/libs/
timezn               = UTC
root                 = wifidb
hosturl              = http://URL_FOR_WIFIDB_WWW_SERVER
dim                  = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
timetilldead         = 2
admin_email          = [email protected]
config_fails         = 3
wifidb_from          = [email protected]
wifidb_from_pass     = from_email_pass
wifidb_smtp          =
email_validation     = 1
wifidb_email_updates = 0
GeoNamesLoopGiveUp   = 5000
reserved_users       = WiFiDB::wifidb:Recovery:root:system
timeout        = 31536000
#;(86400 [seconds in a day] * 365 [days in a year])

Daemon Information for Apache side.

daemon         = 1
log_level      = 0
log_interval   = 0
apache_user    = www-data
apache_group   = www-data
pid_file_loc   = /var/run/wifidb/

Default Theme information

default_theme    = vistumbler
default_refresh  = 15
default_timezone = 0
default_dst      = 0

Console Viewer, note used anymore, but might come back.

console_refresh = 15
console_scroll  = 1
console_last5   = 1
console_lines   = 10
console_log     = /var/log/wifidbd

Debug infomation

bypass_check   = 0
rebuild        = 0
debug          = 0
bench          = 0

SQL DB Login Information

srvc           = mysql
sql_host       = SQL_Server_IP
db_user        = User
db_pwd         = Password
collate        = utf8_bin
engine         = innodb
db             = wifi

SQL Table Schema information

settings_tb       = settings
users_t           = user_imports
pointers_table    = wifi_pointers
signals_table     = wifi_signals
gps_table         = wifi_gps
user_logins_table = user_info
DB_stats          = DB_stats
validate_table    = user_validate
share_cache       = share_waypoints
files             = files
files_tmp         = files_tmp
annunc            = annunc
annunc_comm       = annunc_comm
gps_ext           = _GPS
sep               = -

Export paths and some file information

open_loc       =
WEP_loc        =
WPA_loc        =
kml_out        = out/kml/
vs1_out        = out/vs1/
daemon_out     = out/daemon/
gpx_out        = out/gpx/
csv_out        = out/csv/

Header and Footer meta data.

ads            = 
header         = 
tracker        = 
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