A straightforward program which can take a file list of fastq's, concatenate them, and perform FastQC on them in serial or scalable parallel
Python - built on 3.10x but should be fine for the forseeable future
FastQC - the underlying tool to perform QC on your read files
Bash Environment - current mechanics rely on system calls to the bash command line
File structure should follow the convention SampleID_Lane#_Read#.fastq
. For example:
FastQC Pipe expects a tab-delimited text file with the following structure (lines led with '#' are ignored):
Path/of/directory | Sample_Name | R1/2/Both
/home/RPINerd/M01234/Fastq_Generation Exp001_S1 2
/home/RPINerd/M01234/Fastq_Generation Exp001_S2 1
/home/RPINerd/M01234/Fastq_Generation Exp001_S3 Both
General format for run is python3 fastqc_pipe.py -f file_list.tsv
The input file is the only required argument however there are some additional options:
or -t #
specifies how many threads to allocate to the fastqc algorithm, currently capped at 12
or -m <desired/path/to/>
allows for a preferred location to be specified for the merged lanes to be written to
or -v
pumps out a ton of extra info and saves it to the file fastqc_pipe.log