While you are listening, reading, or watching, some words that you don't know yet will appear, use the website to add these words and revise them.
Language: Typescript
Framework: Next 13
Styles: Styled-Components
Database: MongoDB, mongoose, typegoose.
Queries: Graphql - Apollo
Global state: Redux
Authentication: JWT
Tests: Cypress, vitest, react-testing-library, supertest-graphql
Linting: Eslint
git clone https://github.com/Rafael-Cesario/WordList
cd wordList
cd Backend
${packageManager} install
SECRET is a string, a SHA256 hash you can use this link to create a hash: https://emn178.github.io/online-tools/sha256.html
SECRET="${secret hash for the jwt Token}"
${packageManager} run dev
cd Frontend
${packageManager} install
${packageManager} run dev