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Project template for using aws-cdk, Chalice and React in concert, including RDS Postgresql and AWS Cognito

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What is This?

This repository is an opinonated project template for using aws-cdk, Chalice and React in concert. Where aws-cdk and Chalice are in Python and React is in Javascript. The idea is to quickly build an API in Python with Chalice, deploy it easily with aws-cdk, and then access resources through a React frontend app including user authentication via AWS Cognito.

This is still under active development but some steps towards a full integration are done. It can be developed and run locally via docker compose. Infrastructure and Chalice deployments are still seperate and some copy and pasta is necessary to pass runtime parameters to the right places, but the aim is to have it fully integrated at some point.

The cognito user pool is not part of the infractructure (aws-cdk), yet, and has to be created manually, e.g. in the web UI.

The following files need to be edited with custom AWS parameters and some renamed:

backend/ # cognito ids
backend/ # cognito ids


Things still Todo:

  • Figure out how to run the create table command after deployment
  • Create Todo list CRUD backend
  • Create Todo list CRUD frontend
  • Integrate Chalice into aws-cdk code, using from chalice.cdk import Chalice

Checkout for some useful CLI commands.


First, you'll need to install the AWS CDK if you haven't already. The CDK requires Node.js and npm to run.

$ npm install -g aws-cdk

Next you'll need to install the requirements for the project.

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

There's also separate requirements files in the infrastructure and backend directories if you'd prefer to have separate virtual environments for your CDK and Chalice app.

To deploy the application, cd to the infrastructure directory. If this is you're first time using the CDK you'll need to bootstrap your environment.

$ cdk bootstrap

Then you can deploy your infrastructure using the CDK.

$ cdk deploy

Now cd into the backend folder and then you can deploy your application using Chalice.

$ chalice deploy --stage prod

Node deployment

Now cd into the frontend folder

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -f --output . .

aws s3api create-bucket --bucket my_bucket --region moon-east-1 --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=moon-central-1

aws s3 sync ./build s3://my_bucket

aws s3 website s3://my_bucket --index-document index.html --error-document error.html

Project layout

This project template combines a CDK application, a Chalice application and a React application.

These correspond to the infrastructure, backend and frontend directory, respectively. To run any CDK CLI commands, ensure you're in the infrastructure directory, to run any Chalice CLI commands ensure you're in the backend directory, and to run React CLI commands ensure you are in the frontend directory.


Project template for using aws-cdk, Chalice and React in concert, including RDS Postgresql and AWS Cognito






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