FFmpeg wrapper to easily create GIFs from videos (also with subtitles).
- Python 2.7.x or 3.x (all you need are in the Python Standard Library)
- Install FFmpeg v3.4 or upper (or copy in the "src" folder a precompiled version)
- (Optional) Install Gifsicle (or copy in the "src" folder a precompiled version) to unlock other functions
python video2gif.py sourceVideo destinationGif [OPTIONS]
Positional arguments:
sourceVideo Source video path
destinationGif Output GIF path
Optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
-f FPS, --fps FPS Set the fps. (Default: 15)
-s SIZE, --size SIZE GIF size, in WIDTH:HEIGHT format. "0" can be used to
keep the ratio ("0:0" keep video size). (Default:
-r {lanczos,bicubic,spline16,spline36,point,bilinear}, --resize-mode {lanczos,bicubic,spline16,spline36,point,bilinear}
Resize filter, one of
(Default: lanczos)
-a START, --at START Moment in which the GIF begins, in seconds or
"HH:MM:SS[.m+]" time format. If setted, must be lower
than --to param. (Default: 0)
-t END, --to END Moment in which the GIF ends, in seconds or
"HH:MM:SS[.m+]" time format. If setted, must be
greater than --at param. (Default: Till end)
-d {bayer,floyd_steinberg,sierra2,sierra2_4a,none}, --dither {bayer,floyd_steinberg,sierra2,sierra2_4a,none}
Dithering algorithm to use. One of
(Default: bayer)
-b {0,1,2,3,4,5}, --bayer-scale {0,1,2,3,4,5}
Select the Bayer algorithm scale factor, in the range
[0 - 5] (used only if --dither is "bayer"). Lower
values tend to produce less artefacts but larger
images. (Default: 2)
-m {full,diff,single}, --mode {full,diff,single}
Color generation mode, one of (full|diff|single).
'diff' optimize the colors of moving objects at the
cost of the background quality, 'single' optimize the
colors for each frame (but can introduce flickering),
'full' look for a middle ground. (Default: full)
-l {quiet,fatal,error,warning,info,verbose,debug,trace}, --log {quiet,fatal,error,warning,info,verbose,debug,trace}
FFmpeg log mode, one of
(Default: quiet)
-e CHARENC, --encoding CHARENC
Subtitle encoding (it has effect only if a burning
option is enabled). (Default: UTF-8)
-o, --onestep Do not generate palette for the GIF. Tend to produce
worse, but way smaller GIFs. If used, --dither and
--bayer-scale parameters are ignored.
-g, --gifsicle Use gifsicle afterwards to validate, optimize and
compress it (require "gifsicle" executable reachable).
--burn-sub-track BURN_TRACK
Burn in the GIF a source file subtitle track.
--burn-sub-file BURN_FILE
Burn in the GIF an external subtitle file.
- The default parameters for filters are often the best for a GIF