Real-time chat web app that enables seamless conversations between people who speak different languages. Chat-Translate automatically translates messages as they are sent, allowing for fluid multilingual communication.
Live demo hosted at
- Real-time translation of chat messages through an external API
- Easily join a chatroom just by scanning the QR code shown next to the chat, or by typing the human-friendly URL
- Easily create a chatroom, choosing 2 available languages that will be used to generate the translations
- Dynamically generated OpenGraph images, shown when sharing the URL in social media
- Elixir & Phoenix (for backend)
- Svelte (for frontend UI functionality)
- WebSockets (for real-time communication)
- GROQ API (for fast LLM generation)
- Tailwind CSS (for frontend styling)
To start the app:
- Run
devenv shell
to enter a shell with the necessary system dependencies - Run
devenv up -d
to start a Postgres instance in the background - Run
mix setup
to install and setup Elixir dependencies - Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
or inside IEx withiex -S mix phx.server
Now you can visitlocalhost:4000
from your browser.
- Support for more languages