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Requires at least:WordPress 4.0.0
LocateAnything is a versatile and highly customizable Wordpress plugin aimed at creating nice searchable/filterable maps. Easily let your users search your maps by tags, custom taxonomies,xprofile fields(with the BuddyPress addon) and much more...
LocateAnything has been built on the great library LeafletJs ( and coded with extensibility in mind : addons using LocateAnything in conjunction with another WP plugin typically are less than 300 lines of code.
Use just any taxonomy as a filter
Easily use any taxonomy (custom taxonomies or regular taxonomies) to filter your maps.
Supports Custom Post Types
Most of the WordPress plugins only support posts and pages. Not this plugin! Total support for any custom post type and their taxonomies!
Fully customizable marker icons
You can define a custom marker icon for each location or choose to use the same marker for the whole map. It’s up to you!
Choose between the plugin’s predefined marker icons, create your own markers using Ionicon or just use any image from the media library. Total flexibility!
Customizable Map Overlay
Choose between 4 different map overlays… Or use any overlay you want with the Custom Overlay Addon
Additional fields
Need to display a specific info on the map? Create additional fields! Additional fields are custom fields specifically designed to be displayed on the map.
Let’s say your map is about coffeshops and you want to show the opening hours and the name of the nearest subway station? Create 2 additional fields : openingHours and nearestSubway. Done! Those informations are ready to be displayed in the marker list and the tooltips.
Fully customizable tooltips
Customize the tooltips EXACTLY as you want them : HTML, audios, videos, images,post content… Tooltips can display nearly anything.
Customize the tooltip template for each marker independently, you have total control on the information that appears…or use a tooltip preset for instant styling!
Fully customizable marker list
Customize the marker list as you please : HTML, audios, videos, images,post content…
Ready to use
Need a map NOW? choose a map Layout, click, you are done!
Not exactly what you had in mind? No worries!Just edit the layout CSS directly in the admin!
LocateAnything has been tested with 10 000 markers containing images, videos and audio…and still ran smoothly
Responsive & Touch optimized
And many other features…
Google Places searchbox
Detection of user’s location
Rounded corners / Squared corners tooltips
Map Localization : Choose your map language (beta)
Optional cache system : ready to handle thousands of markers
Marker Clustering
Addons for Buddypress, Advanced filters, new marker icons, new map layouts
And much much more!
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
== Changelog ==
= 1.0 =
- First version = 1.1.0 =
- heavily modified Addon_Helper class
- css fixes
- added hide splashscreen option = 1.1.1 =
- added addon upgrader class = 1.1.2 =
- added "Powered By" text = 1.1.4 =
- added KML import function
- fixed some minor bugs = 1.1.5 =
- added hooks
- fixed Google Places selector bug = 1.1.6 =
- added hooks for compat addons = 1.1.7 =
- optimized loading of styles and scripts = 1.1.71 =
- bug fix