Adventure4Spigot is a small utility that aims to integrate Adventure's component API throughout Bukkit, the same way Paper does.
This library is a WIP. Due to the large use of Adventure in Paper, it may be impossible to provide abstractions for every method out there, so only the most important ones may be implemented.
- ItemMeta's display name and lore
- Inventory titles
- Scoreboard teams
- Scoreboard objectives
- Signs
- Permission messages
- Entity display names
- Reasons (kicks and bans)
- Events
- Books
- Maps
- Avoid using reflections when Paper is present
- Better documentation on API methods
Inventory inv = SpigotAdventure.createInventory(null, 9, Component.text()
ItemStack item = new ItemStack(Material.DIAMOND);
ItemMeta meta = item.getItemMeta();
SpigotAdventure.setDisplayName(meta, Component.text("Hello!"));