- This code was designed to contain loops, lists, arrays and simple functions.
- The main idea is to manipulate numbers to represent all characters on Ascii code; after all number manipulation (random between ranges, sorting, pushing to arrays) the final array is populated with ascii characters.
- To run the application:
The user is presented with a series of prompts to set the password criteria.
Criteria includes but not limited to: Caps, Numbers, Special characters.
- Style:
- Existing html and css, were modified to adapt a sober and bold style.
- About Javascript.
- Simple variables were used to gain efficiency on coding and debugging.
- Balance between global and local variables to facilitate and easier analysis and debugging.
- The following image is an example of my source code
*This Project contents:
- Index.html - hosting the web page application .
- Script.js - Code for executing the app.
- style.css - original + customized style for the application.
- README.md - this file.
- please fork and clone this repository
contact me at: https://github.com/Rodolfod1 or direct email: [email protected]
Rodolfo Diaz, Sep,26,2020