- Install wireplumber [Sound related]
- Install yay
- Install visual-studio-code-bin. (
yay -S visual-studio-code-bin
) - Install oh-my-bash
- Make taglist show CYBERPUNK. (Follow this tutorial: https://pavelmakhov.com/awesome-wm-widgets/). Relevant Cyberpunk font is in fonts directory.
- Install spotify_launcher
- Install spicetify
- Install redshift [Blue light filter]
- Enable multimedia controls (Volume +/-, Toggle mute, Play/Pause music) using keyboard
- Make wibar transparent with tasklist at center
- Changed alacritty font family (CodeNewRomanNerdFont)
- Install htop
- Install cowsay
- Install cava [A terminal sound output visualizer] (
yay -S cava
) - Fixed unresponsive touchpad on boot (run fix_touchpad)
- Check battery level from terminal (run check_battery)
- Added a bash greeting
- Added wallpaper switcher (half-finished), access with Mod+c
- Install anydesk (
yay -S anydesk-bin
Add "type=x11" to /etc/pam.d/system-login:
session optional pam_systemd.so type=x11
(In case connecting from other device shows display server not supported)
- Complete working on wallpaper switcher
- Brightness control with keyboard