Utility for working with recurring dates in Django.
- Recurrence/Rule objects using a subset of rfc2445 (wraps dateutil.rrule) for specifying recurring date/times.
- RecurrenceField and RecurrenceModelField for storing recurring datetimes in the database (text/one-to-one respectively)
- Javascript widget
provides a django model field which serializes recurrence information for storage in the database.
For example. Say you were storing information about a university course in your app. You could use a model like the below.
import recurrence.fields
class Course(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length = 200)
start = models.TimeField()
end = models.TimeField()
recurrences = recurrence.fields.RecurrenceField()
You'll notice that I'm storing my own start and end time. The recurrence field only deals with recurrences not with specific time information. I have an event that starts at 2pm. It's recurrences would be "every Friday".
provides a django model field which is a one-to-one relations to recurrence information stored using the recurrence apps model. For this to work, you'll of course need to put the recurrence application into your INSTALLED_APPS