Website repository for SURGE/Dalhousie NeuroTech Club.
This website is build from scratch using Quarto. Feel free to create a branch and when you're ready, a pull request!
Useful Tips for Contributing
If you're new to Quarto and making websites, check out the references below! Generally, the only files you'll need to edit are the .qmd files and maybe the .scss files (theme) - and the _quarto.yml occasionally. Once you've made edits to any .qmd file you can type `quarto render` in the terminal to see how the changes will look once the site is built. There is also a workflow that renders the entire website once you make a pull request if you'd like.
- index.qmd is the main page
- _quarto.yml is the configuration file for the website (layout, top-level theme (SCSS), etc.)
- /docs contains sub-folders and .qmd files for all sub-pages
: Builds the website on pushes to main and then deploys the website to the gh-pages branch where it becomes live
: Build the website on pull requests to preview site changes before merging to main
Click link to the preview in the pull request page!