"Naughty boy Pointfoot" 🤖
Nabo Pointfoot is a pointfoot bipedal robot simulation framework in MuJoCo, constructed fully with C++.
Nabo Pointfoot is built on top of nabo, which is a bipedal robot framework for a 12DOF robot model.
MPC+WBIC balence controller. The controller code is isolated from simulation, which is elegant.
Nabo Pointfoot walks with the height of 0.45m, maximux walking speed 0.95m/s.
- 💻Pure C++
- ⚡️Computing Efficient, formulating QP with eiquadprog
- 🤹Interactive MuJoCo GUI
- 📝Rich code comments but most in Chinese, I apologize for those who don't understand Chinese
Size Comparison with LIMX P1 & Unitree H1 🤖
- This project was developed on Ubuntu20.04, g++/gcc version
. $ git clone https://github.com/SeaHI-Robot/Nabo_Pointfoot_Bipedal_Robot.git
, then cd to this repo's directory.$ ./make_and_run.sh
to compile both the controller and the simulation, then start simulation with the compiled controller loaded.- When both codes in
are compiled,simply do$ ./run_sim.sh
to only start the simulation without any compilation. - Edit
to adjust the parameters for tuning.nabo_mujoco/zzz.txt
stores the log file during simulation when the log flag is turned on. - Pitch is currently poorly controlled at close to zero speed and will stabilize with a bias. Stable yaw angle control cannot be achieved for the time being.
In the MuJoCo GUI:
- w/s : change command speed in x
- a/d : change command speed in y
- j/l : change command angular speed in z
- x: clear all speed command
- backspace: reset
- space: pause
- f: toggle visualization of contact force
- z: toggle log flag
If U have any problem, please start an Issue, or join QQ group 609601974.