This is a very very simple Django application that does hourly backups of your postgres databases on only does daily backups which might not be enough for you. This application can help you out with that.
It supports backing up multiple postgres databases from different fly accounts to s3. It uses the Django admin ui for easy configurations.
Run the Django application.
python3 runserver
Configure the databases, fly account and s3 buckets in the Django admin first.
For a single backup, run:
python3 backup <database_name>
or to do hourly backups on all your configured databases, run:
python3 backup_loop
You can deploy this application on yourself.
Start by logging in to the fly client
fly auth login
Change <backups>
to another name.
export APP_NAME=<backups>
Generate the fly.toml file using the template
envsubst < fly_template.toml >> fly.toml
Create the app
fly apps create $APP_NAME
Create a volume for the sqlite database
fly volumes create db --region ams --size 1
Set secret key
fly secrets set SECRET_KEY=$(openssl rand -hex 12)
Set fly domain
fly secrets set FLY_DOMAIN=$
Deploy the application to fly
fly deploy
ssh in the machine
fly ssh console
And create a new superuser
python createsuperuser
You can now go to <app_name> login and make the configurations.
Currently, the project only supports the bare minimum of features that i need. If you want to contribute, there are many things that could be improved:
- More advanced scheduling, currently only does hourly backups for all the databases. We want to be able to control the time between backups per database.
- Notifications system when backups fail.
- Add tests. For this we would have to run a fly postgres database.
- Pause the application when Django admin ui is not used and no backups are made. Right now applications is running 24/7. -> I dont think this is possible with a scheduler running
- Add support for more storage providers. Currently only s3 is supported.
- Add option to spin up a new Postgres database from a made backup. Can be useful when things need to be restored quickly.
- Automatically delete backups after certain period. I currently have this configured within my s3 bucket.