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Install npm and postgres if you don't already have them installed

brew install node
brew install postgresql


download and install packages

git clone
npm install

configure database with user and database for project by having config/create_spfy.sql

CREATE USER {user} WITH PASSWORD '{password}';
CREATE DATABASE {db, default spfy} OWNER {user};
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE "{db, default spfy}" to "{user}";

configure server with database access by having config/

echo 'postgres://{user}:{password}@{host, default localhost}:{port, default 5432}/{db, default spfy}'

Alternately, get the most recent config folder from Team member/Slack. The most recent config is from Oct, 30.

Using Database

Initialize PostgreSQL for SPFY

npm run db-init

Start Database

npm run db-start

Stop Database

npm run db-stop

Reset Database (stop, initialize, start)

npm run db-reset

Running & Development

Start server

npm start

Alternately, start server to auto restart when a file changes, provided by nodemon

npm run nodemon

Note that since authorization now is partially functional, you will most likely have to login to try out the site.

Run Tests

npm test
npm run lint

To view a coverage report, run npm test, then npm run report, then open up coverage/lcov-report/index.html in a webbrowser