This is a WEB application using Angular for the frontend. Used a Rest-api server for backend and MongoDB for storing data.
Steps for local instalation and review: Navigate to Rest-api folder: npm install - command for installation of all the packeges dependances; npm start - command to start the back-end server; Navigate to film-forum folder: npm install - command to install all install all packeges dependances; Run client Angular app - ng serve --open or ng s;
email: [email protected]; password: asdasd;
email: [email protected]; password: mariya1234
Home screen for not logged in users:
The cards of the films for the not logged in users(They can only read the description, look at the likes and the comments):
Film cards for users who are logged in, but are not owners of the film(They can COMMENT and LIKE or DISLIKE the film):
Film card for the owners(They can EDIT and DELETE the film, but can not comment, like or dislike their own film)
Log in page, the email should end at( or Examples: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] and etc.