Project for Udacity's Sensor Fusion Engineer Nanodegree Program
Project Goals
- Implement Obstacle detection on real PCD from a lidar
- use pcl-library for general data handling and initial testing
- implement following modules:
- PCD filtering, for reducing computational cost, without loss of detail
- Segment the filtered cloud into two parts, road and obstacles, using RANSAC based 3D-plane extraction
- Cluster the obstacle cloud, using K-D Tree for 3D space.
- Find bounding boxes for the clusters
The configuration I used
- Ubuntu 16.04 OS
- cmake >= 3.14
- gcc/g++ >= 8.0
- PCL >= 1.2 : The code extensively utilizes the Point Cloud Library (PCL).
- this file.
- images - folder with images for the readme-file
- ./src/
- environment.cpp - main function
- ransac.cpp - function for RANSAC-based segmentation implementation
- cluster_kdtree.cpp & kdtree.h - functions for KD-Tree based clustering implementation
- processPointClouds.cpp & processPointClouds.h - functions for point-cloud processing. functions that use segmentation and clustering based on PCL-library are also present, but commented
- /quiz/... - contains quiz functions for testing ransac and clustering implementation
- /render/... - contains rendering functions for display
- /sensors/.. - contains point-cloud-data files and functions for use with synthetic data.
clone this repository, enter the cloned directory/folder and build:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
to run, use following from within the build folder:
To test performance of 2D and 3D RANSAC implementation, build:
cd src/quiz/ransac/
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
to view result of 3D RANSAC implementation, launch
a sample result is shown below, where road-plane in highlighted in green and objects on road in red.
To test performance of KD-Tree implementation on 2D sample points, build:
cd src/quiz/cluster/
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
to view result of 3D RANSAC implementation, launch
a sample result is shown below.
2D KD-Tree implementation sample:
once ./environment
is launch pcd data is read from files at /sensors/data/pcd/data_1/
and plotted after filtering-segmentation-clustering, as shown in sample image below.
sample lidar-obstacle-detection image:
- To install PCL, C++