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TIL-Log Server V2

Blog platform for developers, TILog

프로젝트 컨벤션마이그레이션 히스토리OpenAPI Client

Built With

  • NestJS
  • TypeScript
  • MySQL
  • Prisma
  • Redis

Getting Started Local

1. Clone This Project

$ git clone

2. Install npm module

$ yarn install

3. Using Docker-compose to Run the Storage.

$ cd docker
$ docker-compose up

Please Change the environment variable(Database password) in docker-compose.yml

4. Create environment file

Read this guide and follow it

5. Getting started with Prisma Migrate

yarn prisma:migrate:local

In a local environment, use this command to generate and apply migrations

6. Start serverApp

$ yarn start:local
$ yarn start:local:watch
$ yarn start:local:debug