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Installs and updates basic software packages deployed to every node.



  • debian


  • backuppc (~> 1.0.0)
  • etckeeper (~> 1.0.0)
  • hwraid (~> 1.1.0)
  • locales (~> 1.1.0)
  • ohmyzsh (~> 1.0.0)
  • t3-chef-client (~> 0.4.0)
  • t3-kvm (~> 0.1.0)
  • t3-openvz (~> 1.1.0)
  • t3-zabbix (~> 0.2.0)
  • apt (= 2.9.2)
  • chef_handler (= 1.0.6)
  • git (= 4.2.4)
  • logrotate (= 1.9.2)
  • lvm (= 1.5.1)
  • motd (= 0.6.4)
  • ntp (= 1.8.6)
  • openssh (= 1.3.4)
  • postfix (= 3.7.0)
  • rsync (= 0.7.0)
  • screen (= 0.7.0)
  • sudo (= 2.6.0)
  • users (= 2.0.3)


  • node['backuppc']['user'] - SSH user used for logins of the backup server. Defaults to t3o-backup.
  • node['backuppc']['user_ssh_pubkeys'] - SSH keys allowing the server to login. Defaults to [ ... ].
  • node[:chef_handler][:handler_path] - chef_handler: the place where we store our chef handler. Defaults to /var/chef/handlers.
  • node[:etckeeper][:git_remote_enabled] - etckeeper: disable remotes in etckeeper. Defaults to false.
  • node['etckeeper']['daily_auto_commits'] - etckeeper: disable daily autocommit (AVOID_DAILY_AUTOCOMMIT). Defaults to true.
  • node['apt']['confd']['install_recommends'] - Do not install recommends packages. Defaults to false.
  • node['t3-base']['flags']['production'] - Defines, whether we are running in a production context, meaning that we want monitoring etc. This is enabled in the environment or alternatively for testing in .kitchen.yml. Defaults to false.
  • node['logrotate']['global']['daily'] - Rotate logs on a daily basis. Defaults to true.
  • node['logrotate']['global']['rotate'] - Keep 7 days of logs. Defaults to 7.
  • node['logrotate']['global']['notifempty'] - Only rotate log, if it has content. Defaults to true.
  • node['logrotate']['global']['compress'] - Compress logs. Defaults to true.
  • node['logrotate']['global']['dateext'] - Do not number rotated logs, use date in filename (better for backup). Defaults to true.
  • node['ntp']['servers'] - Defaults to [ ... ].
  • node['openssh']['server']['permit_root_login'] - openssh: disallow root login. Defaults to no.
  • node['openssh']['server']['password_authentication'] - openssh: disallow password authentication. Defaults to no.
  • node['openssh']['server']['protocol'] - openssh: use only SSHv2. Defaults to 2.
  • node['openssh']['server']['accept_env'] - openssh: set accepted_env to 'LANG LC_*'. Defaults to LANG LC_*.
  • node['openssh']['server']['subsystem'] - openssh: define sftp subsystem. Defaults to sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server.
  • node['openssh']['server']['print_motd'] - openssh: do not display message of the day banner (as it woudl duplicate). Defaults to no.
  • node['postfix']['main']['masquerade_domains'] - Defaults to (node['domain'] || node['hostname']).to_s.chomp('.').
  • node['postfix']['aliases']['root'] - Defaults to [email protected].
  • node['postfix']['smtp_generic_map_entries'] - Some applications try to send mails from root@localhost, which are not accepted by the mail server. Rewrite those to [email protected]. Defaults to { ... }.
  • node['authorization']['sudo']['include_sudoers_d'] - Include everything from /etc/sudoers.d/. Defaults to true.
  • node['authorization']['sudo']['sudoers_defaults'] - Set up secure_path, otherwise $PATH will be very short after sudo'ing. Defaults to [ ... ].


  • t3-base::default - Includes other recipes, some of them based on ohai detections
  • t3-base::_physical - Recipes that we want on physical nodes
  • t3-base::_users - Creates users based on the users data bag
  • t3-base::_software - Different software that we want o nevery node
  • t3-base::_platform_debian - Debian-specific configuration (e.g. LTS repos)
  • t3-base::_platform_family_debian - Debian/Ubuntu-specific configuration (e.g. incude apt)
  • t3-base::_datacenter - Detects, in which data center a node is and applies specific attributes based on the datacenters data bag
  • t3-base::_production - Configuration that is only needed for production nodes (e.g. backup, monitoring, chef-client config)

Datacenter / Production Configuration

The t3-base::_datacenter recipe detects, if we are running in a production data center. It therefore searches the datacenters data bag for entries including the (physical) server that we are running on.

Such data bag entry can define data center specific attributes and cookbooks (for a server test.vagrant in the test data center and its VMs):

  "name": "test",
  "servers": [
  "attributes": {
    "postfix": {
      "main": {
        "relayhost": ""
  "cookbooks": [

The data center of a node is further saved in the node[datacenter] attribute. To find out the datacenter, in which a node is running, use

$ knife node show -a datacenter
  datacenter: my_datacenter

Accordingly, you can use this attribute to search for all nodes in a datacenter:

$ knife search node "datacenter:my_datacenter"


Some special use-cases and situations can be defined by setting flags below node['t3-base']['flags'].

Production Environment: node['t3-base']['flags']['production']

The fact that we are running in production is triggered by node['t3-base']['flags']['production'] = true. This results in an inclusion of the t3-base::_production recipe and applies production-only configuration (chef-client config, backup, monitoring). Make sure that the things added here have no impact on other configuration!


  • include_if_available(recipe) includes a recipe, if it exists.

Platform (OS) specific Recipes

To provide platform-specific configuration (e.g. for Debian 7 or all Ubuntu versions), the default recipe automatically tries to include the following (eventually existing) recipes:

  • t3-base::_platform_family_#{node[:platform_family]}
  • t3-base::_platform_#{node[:platform]}

This results in the _platform_familiy_debian recipe being included for Debian and Ubuntu systems, while _platform_ubuntu will be included for Ubuntu and _platform_debian for Debian systems.


This recipe manages users based on the users data bag.

  • All users with group: sysadmin are automatically assigned to all nodes with sudo privileges.
  • All other users are added based on their assignment to particular hosts. The users data bag is searched for items that contain an entry for node['fqdn'] in the "nodes" key of the data bag:
    "id": "a-srv123-admin",
    "nodes": {
            "": {
                    "sudo": "true"

In order to remove a user from all nodes, action: remove can be set on the highest level:

    "id": "a-user-to-remove",
    "action": "remove"

In order to remove a user from a certain node, action: remove can be set on the node level:

    "id": "a-user-to-remove",
    "nodes": {
            "": {
                    "action": "remove"

Keep in mind that deleting the data bag item or removing the entry in "nodes" does not remove the user, of course.

License and Maintainer

Maintainer:: TYPO3 Association ([email protected]) Source::

License:: Apache 2.0