Control system for The Butterfly Effect. This project uses Arduino Nano with nRF24L01 module.
This used to use Raspberry Pi 3 for the configuration of the lamp and drum locations. However, since the Raspberry Pi 3 broke inside the drum due to rain or some impact, We transferred all the functionality to the code in Drums/MasterDrum.
- FastLED
- DigitalIO
- TimerOne
- LowPower
- RF24
As there was a mistake in how the PCB (printed circuit board) was designed, we also need to change the RF24_config.h
- Uncomment the line
#define SOFTSPI
- Find the lines defining the following variables and define them as follows:
#define SOFT_SPI_MOSI_PIN 10
#define SOFT_SPI_MISO_PIN 11
#define SOFT_SPI_SCK_PIN 12
If the PCB design is rectified, ignore this library edits section.