Het grote versterkende leren project
For the figures see the results.ipynb notebook.
Python >= 3.8.5 with:
- numpy >= 1.19.2
- matplotlib >= 3.3.4
- gym >= 0.19.0
- tqdm >= 4.36.0
Contains the implementations of the Gym environments, with the following files:
- codebase/environments/stochasticEnv.py: The base stochastic Gridworld Gym environment implementation
- codebase/environments/grid_world.py: The deterministic, stochastic and left-right Gridworld implementations used for the paper
- codebase/environments/left_right.py: The Left-Right problem implementatation
Contains the implementation of Q-Learning and Double Q-Learning (codebase/models/q_learning.py) and the behaviour policies (codebase/models/policies.py)
Finally, codebase/experiments.py contains the code for the different experiments we ran to obtain the results in the paper