A Discord bot that works well, for no reason at all.
Step 1: Clone the repository:
cd /path/to/where/you/want/the/files/
git clone https://github.com/Tymewalk/EfficientEnigma/
cd EfficientEnigma
Step 2: Install dependencies:
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Step 3: Set up the bot:
python3 config.py
You will be prompted for your bot's token.
Step 4: Run the bot:
python3 bot.py
Anyone with a role titled "EfficientEnigma Admin" may use the bot's internal configuration commands to set up the bot for their server.
$settings - Display the current server's settings.
$logtoggle (on/off) - Turns message edit/deletion logging on and off. Default: off
$logchannel #(channel) - Sets the channel that edit/deletion messages will be logged in. Default: modlog
$allowrole (role name) - Allows users to assign a role to themselves.
$forbidrole (role name) - Forbids users from assigning a role to themselves.
$allowadminrole (role name) - Allows users with this role to edit EfficientEnigma's settings. By default, the role "EfficientEnigma Admin" will always be allowed to edit settings. This can not be changed - otherwise, users could lock themselves out of the bot.
$forbidadminrole (role name) - Forbids users with this role from editing EfficientEnigma's settings, if they were previously able to. (NOTE: If a user has another admin role, they will still be able to edit settings!)
$startoggle (on/off) - Turns the starboard on and off. Default: off
$starchannel #(channel) - Sets the channel starred messages will be placed in. Default: starboard
$staremoji (emoji) - Sets the emoji users react with to star messages. Default: ⭐
$starreq (number) - Sets how many stars a message must get to be sent to the starboard. Default: 3
$selfstar (on/off) - Sets whether or not users may star their own posts to get them on the starboard. Default: off
$welcometoggle (on/off) - Turns the welcome message on and off. Default: off
$welcomemessage (message) - Sets the messsage to be sent. <name>
replaces it with the user's name, whereas <ping>
pings the user. Default: <ping> Welcome to the server, <name>!
$welcomechannel #(channel) - Set the channel that welcome messages get sent in. Default: welcome
$leavetoggle (on/off) - Turns the message when a member leaves on and off. Default: off
$leavemessage (message) - Sets the messsage to be sent. <name>
replaces it with the user's name, whereas <ping>
pings the user. Default: <name> has left the server.
$leavechannel #(channel) - Set the channel that leaving messages get sent in. Default: welcome